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Let's play FE: Fragments of the Holy Stone


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Hello everybody! Since apparently I don't have enough things to do, I'm starting a second let's play (I'll give priority to the Shin Patch, unless there's more interest here). This one is special though, as it's about a game you can't possibly know. It's my favourite one, too!

I'm talking about...


Do you happen to know something called rpgmaker? Well, this is an amateur, no-profit game made by an italian developer. It's full of ripped content, but I simply love it. Who knows? Maybe you'll love it too!



It's been years since the last time I saw this...

This is the main menu, with the fitting "To the Ancient Land" from Shadow of the Colossus. For some reason the gif maker had a delay of 5 seconds, but that's ok, as the resulting gif shows you the Seraphic Gate logo (to this day I have no idea why a single developer making a no-profit game would add this company-looking logo to his game... Nice animation, though).



The first thing we see when starting the game, is this temple, accompanied by the mysterious sounding "Another World of Beasts" from Final Fantasy 6.


What's happening!?


We cut to this seemingly random house.

WV4xoxq.png Mom, look! There's many flashes!

Q0Aaayq.png It's nothing, dear... Probably just a thunderstorm.


That doesn't look like just a thunderstorm...

We change location again, with another beam of light in the distance, fading. Once the beam is completely gone, the camera goes down, and this is what we find.


No background music is playing, but we can hear the blowing of the wind.

EEFH5Qn.png ... And then I said: "Hey, if you're searching for troubles, you found them!"

bAVG5NG.png AHAHAH! I would have broken that stupid dog's nose!

EEFH5Qn.png Mah, I wanted to punch him in an eye... But then I thought I would have dirtied myself, so I dropped it.

wrkUboW.png AHAH! What a funny story! AHAH!


The dumber-looking guy walks a little and looks at the blonde guy.

bAVG5NG.png What are ya doing, Garamet?

wrkUboW.png Hu? Me... No, nothing... I'm just watching this guy. He didn't say a word 'till the start of the trip...

The brown-haired one gets up too.

EEFH5Qn.png Ah...The greenhorn... I almost forgot...


He closes his eyes... We've got a badass.

pGuaqDn.png Greenhorn, uh?


Woah, we can rename player characters, I forgot about that. I resist to the urge of calling him Klein and go on.

pGuaqDn.png I advise you to not make me angry, alright? My name is Redian. Call me greenhorn again and I'll make you eat this rock.

EEFH5Qn.png How dare you...

pGuaqDn.png Stop that... Let's finish this job quickly. I have no intention to stay with you clowns any longer, so let's hurry.

Redian starts walking towards the van.

wrkUboW.png ... Hey, what do we have to do?


pGuaqDn.png I hope they'll give me an extra for working with these idiots... Anyway, we must reach the pick and check the voltage generator.

EEFH5Qn.png Voltage generator? But why?

pGuaqDn.png The Red Wolf will pay us to do that. That's everything there is to know. We just have to get to the top of the mountain and see if the generator works. This storm is causing some interferences and there are problems with the current in Helgon city... We don't know if the generator is broken or it's fault of the snow.

EEFH5Qn.png Mah... I wonder why they sent us, don't they have some technician or something?

pGuaqDn.png I must repeat that? That's not your problem. If you really want to, ask Kie Rianold.

wrkUboW.png Who's that?

bAVG5NG.png It's the CEO of the Red Wolf, you chump! He gave us this job!

wrkUboW.png Aaah... Understood.

pGuaqDn.png Now let's move, or tomorrow we'll not be over yet.


wrkUboW.png ... Why are you standing there?

pGuaqDn.png I'm feeling something... Something dangerous...


That doesn't look good...

wrkUboW.png What the hell was that!?

pGuaqDn.png I have no idea... Even a big bird shouldn't fly during a storm... It's strange.



The van explodes, and a strong roar covers the sound of the storm.

pGuaqDn.png That roar... What kind of animal does that!?

The screen shakes...




This track is simply known as "Danger" in the game's files (if someone knows where this track comes from, please tell me).

As soon as it appears, the dragon kills one of the men.

wrkUboW.png NO! Barnet!!

pGuaqDn.png There's no hope for him, let's go before we end up the same!


The escaping begins!


pGuaqDn.png What are you waiting for!?

EEFH5Qn.png Are you mad? We are going to the top!

pGuaqDn.png So?

EEFH5Qn.png On the summit we'll be trapped! That "thing" will kill us!

pGuaqDn.png We can't change direction now. Let's go before it's too late!


wrkUboW.png No way, I don't think so! I- I'm going away!


The wildlife is against Garamet, apparently.

pGuaqDn.png Damn, a wolf! This will slow us down.

wrkUboW.png I- I'm terrified...

EEFH5Qn.png Damn you, Garamet! You are so big yet you're scared by so little!

wrkUboW.png I won't go near that animal!

pGuaqDn.png Stupid fatball, stand aside!

And this is the first battle!


This is the standard battle theme, a remix of "The Unfinished Battle with God Syndrome" from Valkyrie profile.


... Well, that was quick. The winning theme is "The key to singing the praises of victory", also from Valkyrie profile.

I had Redian activate his skill "strike", wich does 150 more points of damage compared to a normal attack and always hits. It's useful now, but later on it's only going to be effective against enemies with very high defence, as normal attacks will be doing well over a thousand points of damage.


Moving on.

wrkUboW.png I'm scared!

pGuaqDn.png Dammit! Let's go already!


Look, our first chest! It contained an ether.


The dragon is following us...

The group stops again on a bridge.

pGuaqDn.png Quick! We don't have much time!

wrkUboW.png UUUHHH! We're all gonna die!

EEFH5Qn.png Shut up, Garamet!

wrkUboW.png Bernett is dead, and now is our turn!


But the dragon is just in front of them.

pGuaqDn.png Shit! It's here...




This track, "Parting2" is part of the standard RTP of RPGmaker2003.

pGuaqDn.png I'm still alive, but the cold is killing me... I must find a shelter for the night...

Redian walks a little to the left to see the sign and the cave.

pGuaqDn.png Helgon city is near, but I won't be able to reach it in such a short time... That cave... Hopefully it will be enough.

Redian walks in the cave and...


... Title drop!


The start of the first chapter signs the end of the prologue.

So yeah, this will be quite the experiment. Hopefully it will work!

Edited by Enaluxeme
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Sadly, no. Maybe in the distant future I'll ask to translate it myself, but it's been very long since this game, and the maker has grown thinkig this game isn't on par with his later games and isn't interested in it anymore. Perhaps he will make a complete remake, eventually.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I like this LP.

By the way, i noticed graphical assets from the following games:

GBA fire emblem (battle sprites, dialog sprites, and the dragon)

Legend of zelda: four swords (background image during title screen.)

Golden Sun (the close view of the place where the explosion occurs in the opening cut-scene)

Chrono trigger (the room where the kid sees the explosion)

RPG maker RTP (map sprites, although one or two might be from somewhere else)

Assets i can't place:

The zoomed out view of the place where the explosion occurs.

The first dungeon (it reminds me of somewhere, but i can't remember where).

Anyone know where the rest of the stuff is from?

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  • 2 months later...

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