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Which Gameplay Elements do You Want to See return in FE15?


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Fates' dual attack/pair up system and increased variation in weapons, Conquest's style of map design... I think those are the main things. Fates did a lot to improve on Fire Emblem's basic gameplay mechanics, I think, so I hope the next game builds off of it. I kind of liked the lack of weapon durability myself, but I'm not overly attached to it.

I'd like base conversations to come back too, though like DavidSW said, I guess that's more about story than gameplay. Still, I feel like Awakening and Fates' stories could have benefited a lot from some extra dialogue and such in between chapters, for the sake of world-building and character development. I'd like to see the pre-chapter world map narration come back too, for the same reason; too many times in Conquest I found the group heading to some place somewhere that I knew nothing about but the name, and even that only recently. A few lines of narration over a clearly-illustrated world map would have been nice, like the series used to have.

Edited by Phoenix_Kensai
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