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Illegal weapons?


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Idk if talking about cheats on serenes is prohibited but I'm taking a risk since I'm still new to serenes (btw unlike 99% of all other forums serenes is surprisingly toxic-free :D)

How far can weapons go in terms of smithing? +7? because I'm checking powersaves right now and there are like Silver Nageyaris for +31 (and it's like 250 attack).

I just want to make sure so I don't accidentally go into other peoples' castles with weapons that are stronger than they can be legitimately.

Reason why I'm using powersaves is I want to get a bunch of Paragon books xD and Dread scrolls and Ebon wings, etc. But I noticed they give tons of +7 weapons (including Dragonstone +7 and Omega Yato +7 etc. which is really neat!)

So back to my question: how far can you LEGITIMATELY upgrade weapons, up to +7?

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You cannot forge any stones for shapeshifters in game! You'll get banned for using the Powersavea code for it. But you can always remove it and the ban will undo. Also you are correct, forging only goes up to 7+ at max! Anything higher is a cheat and results in a shadowban! Enemy weapons and skills causes this as well. But as long as you remove it or never add it you'll be fine.

Edit: Also, don't use any codes for the Yato or anything related to NPC units (such as Lilith). It causes you to be banned as well but can be undone.

Edited by Jin
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You cannot forge any stones for shapeshifters in game! You'll get banned for using the Powersavea code for it. But you can always remove it and the ban will undo. Also you are correct, forging only goes up to 7+ at max! Anything higher is a cheat and results in a shadowban! Enemy weapons and skills causes this as well. But as long as you remove it or never add it you'll be fine.

so if i have a regular steel javelin then that's an instant ban? NO FAIR T^T

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Any legit weapon you can use, you can use a code for +7! It'll be fine.

but like I can't use enemy only weapons or skills? (ex: staff savant on elise xD)

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Well, you can. You'd just be shadowbanned. Being shadowban sounds kinda scary at first but it really isn't. just can't do online battles, and no one can visit your castle. Although, you can visit others. If you want enemies skills to help you in the game to advance you could if you don't mind the minor consequences. And whenever you're done, you can do a code over the weapons/skills that get you banned with legit items/skills, and all will be good.

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Well, you can. You'd just be shadowbanned. Being shadowban sounds kinda scary at first but it really isn't. just can't do online battles, and no one can visit your castle. Although, you can visit others. If you want enemies skills to help you in the game to advance you could if you don't mind the minor consequences. And whenever you're done, you can do a code over the weapons/skills that get you banned with legit items/skills, and all will be good.

so the ban is removed once none of your characters have the weapons?

ex: my azura has a silver naginata +31. and then i get banned. if i put the naginata in the convoy im unbanned?

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so the ban is removed once none of your characters have the weapons?

ex: my azura has a silver naginata +31. and then i get banned. if i put the naginata in the convoy im unbanned?

That's correct, but you also can't equip weapons that are locked to certain characters to another character or have multiple weapons/staves/rods that you normally can only get one of. In the case of having illegal skills (skills that your character can never learn no matter since neither they or their support partners have classes that can learn those skills or having skills that are enemy-only), you need to unequip those skills and replace them with skills that you can actually learn by reclassing to any class your character has access to promoting or using any kind of seal. So far regarding classes, enemy-only classes and classes that are limited to only a few characters or to an exclusive character can also get you shadowbanned so be wary about that, if you get shadowbanned for that reason, just reclass out of that class that's giving you the trouble and into a legit class.

Some shadowbans are relatively minor or pointless for some reason when it normally wouldn't even impact anyone (but your integrity).

Edited by Emblem Blade
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I wish it could just go into the convoy lol. To undo it you have to have the enemy weapon/skill equipped to a unit and use a code over it to remove the weapon and skills. (Using a code over it automatically removes whatever you select to overwrite with a code.)

Edited by Jin
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I wish it could just go into the convoy lol. To undo it you have to have the enemy weapon/skill equipped to a unit and use a code over it to remove the weapon and skills. (Using a code over it automatically removes whatever you select to overwrite with a code.)

You can do that with just about anything not named skills sadly, sending weapons/stave/rods and items to the convoy but not skills. I can come up with one cruel method or some methods the game could have had to punish hackers...but I'm not going to say it.

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When did I say skills go in the convoy? I was responding to op (I'm on my phone so I cannot quote plus and didn't see your post as I was typing the response). I was referring to enemy weapons in the convoy lol. Enemy /illegal weapons that go into the convoy still get you banned.

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When did I say skills go in the convoy? I was responding to op (I'm on my phone so I cannot quote plus and didn't see your post as I was typing the response). I was referring to enemy weapons in the convoy lol. Enemy /illegal weapons that go into the convoy still get you banned.

Ok, I see where you are going. If the game still gets a person shadowbanned for having illegal items in their convoy, then I don't know what to say, you can't even use the convoy in a streetpass battle. I don't see a lot of harm yet that could result with a shadowban if one does that.

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It would make sense that the shadowban occurs when the illegal weapons are equipped since you're basically cheating your opponents. But when said items are in your convoy and that convoy usage in streetpass battles are disabled for good, the shadowban at that part just doesn't really register to me at that point. I don't hack since I really have no impression to do so but seeing what other people have mentioned, some of the shadowbans aren't really needed.

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I'm not talking about just streetpass but ok.

Edit: About items being in the convoy I mean for online battles, but either way you'd still be shadowbanned and no one could visit your castle.

Edit #2: And I am speaking from personal experience not from what others have said or what I 'think'.

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I'm not talking about just streetpass but ok.

Edit: About items being in the convoy I mean for online battles, but either way you'd still be shadowbanned and no one could visit your castle.

Edit #2: And I am speaking from personal experience not from what others have said or what I 'think'.

How would what you have in your convoy affect your online battles? That's why I'm wondering if it's that bad unless something in your convoy affected your units even when not being used by one of your units.

The 'From a person's perspective or experience' part was referring to me since I haven't been shadowbanned yet as I haven't hacked. I was somewhat stating that I wasn't able to completely comprehend your frustration unless I also had that same experience that you have had.

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Yes I believe something in my convoy did or maybe it was because I already got shadowbanned before that happened. Because after it happens it doesn't really matter (I don't think) where the weapons are when you still are banned (well when I did it had done this). That is why I suggested removing all illegal weapons.

The 'From a person's perspective or experience' part was referring to me since I haven't been shadowbanned yet as I haven't hacked.


EDIT: And after I removed anything that didn't seem legit/get in game, I was unbanned.<< That is all I'm trying to get across here.

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Yes I believe something in my convoy did or maybe it was because I already got shadowbanned before that happened. Because after it happens it doesn't matter where the weapons are you still are banned (well when I did it had done this). That is why I suggested removing all illegal weapons.


EDIT: And after I removed anything that didn't seem legit/get in game, I was unbanned.<< That is all I'm trying to get across here.

Still doesn't make that much of a reason for a shadowban though if the illegal weapons are in the convoy. What 'harm' can come out of it if it's the weapons aren't being used at all?

Ok, this will sound odd but: I had thought that you thought when I was referring to the 'personal experience' part of my statement that I was referring to you when I wasn't. That's why I responded back to try to explain why I said what I said.

I understand what you're trying to say here, not the first time I hear about shadowbans on illegal equipment/skills/items in Fates. Again, I'm sorry if I sounded rude when I was trying to come to terms with what you were trying to explain.

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I got a bit confused since it's been a while since I've been banned. What really meant was from what I remember enemy stuff only affects people visiting your castle. Anything online should be fine as long as it looks/is legit and enemy items are put away. Sorry for the confusion I mixed up what I was saying in a few previous posts.

Again, I'm sorry if I sounded rude when I was trying to come to terms with what you were trying to explain.

It's fine and sorry if I did as well.

EDIT: I should just go test this out later because not knowing for sure pisses me off... (I have bad memory) I just want to make sure I'm right about this, maybe because I had other things that could've banned me.

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I got a bit confused since it's been a while since I've been banned. What really meant was from what I remember enemy stuff only affects people visiting your castle. Anything online should be fine as long as it looks/is legit and enemy items are put away. Sorry for the confusion I mixed up what I was saying in a few previous posts.

It's fine and sorry if I did as well.

EDIT: I should just go test this out later because not knowing for sure pisses me off... (I have bad memory) I just want to make sure I'm right about this, maybe because I had other things that could've banned me.

Don't worry too much about me Jin, I'm ok. I tend to get the same response from other people when my logic sounds way to fuzzy.

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Yeah I'm bad at explaining stuff, most of the time.

Anyways, @op I think it's just better and safer to not hack any enemy skills or weapons since it isn't meant for the player to use (unless you don't mind the ban).

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Feel free to berate me for derailing myself off-topic again. But if players really, really can't avoid hacking into the game then there could be settings before you create your Avatar that allow you to use the following changes in a special arena (and these changes only apply to said arena and nothing else) similar to that of the arena in My Castle:

1) Allow you to set the stats of each class for both playable and NPCs alike as long as the changes are reasonable (for example you can set the stats so one does more damage but you can't do it so someone OHKOs their opponent in one hit [same applies to Partner Strikes] and you also can't have it so units to 0 damage to enemies).
2) Remove weapon-locks from characters so anyone can use the weapons if their current weapon grade level allows it.
3) Allow players to select which skills units will have (skills can be added/removed to keep the skill limit the way it should be.)

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  • 1 month later...

Would getting Thoron +7 on robin or Parralel Falchion+7 on Lucina get me Shadowbanned? Also can having multiple Omega Yato's on Corin get you Shadowbanned?They all have been reforged to have different names.

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