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Quick question on lunatic/class conquest


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Copied from the "ask 1 question thread", no one answered.

Did I just gimp myself?

Long story short, I'm playing lunatic Conquest classic (no one dead) and I have some people s rank but I didn't get their kid

Am I hindering my self by NOT getting the kid? does the offering seal work if I use it on chapter 22?

Cuz all my units feels subpar except my MC (but even he dies if he gets over run, and due to enemy AI, they won't even attack him sometimes) and the 1 ike amiibo I have.

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I'm not sure what you mean by "You didn't get their kid"

Most of the second gen units are slightly less effective than the first gen units, excepting that you can easily customize them to fit particular roles for your army. If you played the paralogue and didn't pick up the child unit, no great loss really if you don't care about the plot aspect of things. Conquest gives you more usable units than you can fit onto a team.

You would miss out on quite a bit of experience if you're skipping paralogues though, a lot of the paralogues are brain-dead exp farms, though some are not.

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