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Issue with people visiting


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So anybody else having issues of not receiving accessories from visitors or it even listing that visitors came? I know for a fact that I've been sent accessories and have been visited (used another game cart myself and visited myself), but it acts as if nobody has visited my castle at all. Yes I updated my data and all that too. All the accessories my castle sends out and all my visits are going through as the people I visit have been receiving their items every day. Thoughts?

*I don't hack or cheat in any way and have only bought a single skill for Hinoka at this point which is available from her alt class*

Edited by Dwlr
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Sometimes it doesn't list if visitors came or not. It's just the way it works. I don't know why. Your accessories question is a little vague, though. Is it in your inventory after they send it?

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I had the same problem but I found that this works the best.

Update your castle then go into a battle* and close your 3DS for about five or so minutes, I don't know if having wireless on helped or not but just in case have it on, then after that beat the map. When you go back to your castle a "Updating world" should pop up and if it takes a little while then it worked.

(*I found that using the scout/challenge or DLC maps works best with this but battling other castles works with this as well! Also you can do that anytime but I mostly do it with I have at least one or two enemies on the map. Make sure that you do this after updating your castle.)

Also, since that way doesn't fix it completely, you need to do it every so often (trust me on this)*. It kinda sucks but it's better then nothing, I guess.

(*. What I mean is that when it updates, it's for that day and the days you missed so anything after that will not be updated. I don't know why it does that but that's just how it is.)

...Unless I misread what you meant, if I did then I'm very sorry and feel free to forget this post.

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I got the same problem, I have around 160k+ visit points but only get around 100 accessories because the update data problem. Now I often do update data like what @December Knight posted above to get the "Updating World" event in game so you can get accessories that been sent to you.

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I guess I'll try it the next time I play.

Sometimes it doesn't list if visitors came or not. It's just the way it works. I don't know why. Your accessories question is a little vague, though. Is it in your inventory after they send it?

None of the accessories have been added to the inventory.

Edited by Dwlr
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