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So... which child character should I skip?

Gaggle of Geese

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Since I've already paired the avatar with Azura and IS are douche canoes, I'm going to miss out on a child character. This pisses me off beyond words.

Anyway, I need advice: who should I leave single? Any help would be appreciated. I'm playing Revelation, BTW.

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Dwyer. His personal is useless outside of "My Castle" and doesn't really get to great of modifiers or growths unless you give him an outstanding mother that someone else would want more.

Edited by ShadowStar77
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Gameplay: Dwyer, for reasons stated above.

Personality: Any of the Awakening kids. Bratty, less mature versions of their inspiration as well as lacking most of, if not any depth to them. Pass.

Edited by Phillius
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Siegbert because he has stupid hair.

...but seriously, you should go through some of the child characters supports to see which ones you like and which ones you don't like.

Depending how far into the game you are, you may want to skip certain children based on how hard their paralogues are during late/endgame.

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How can you get the Awakening kids... Pairing up the children with each other in Revelations??

I would agree with skipping Dwyer.

I'm playing normal/casual, but Rhajat was one of my top units in Birthright...

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After reading this comments about Dwyer, I guess I should consider pairing Hinata with Felicia instead of Jakob.

To be frank, Felicia makes horrible mothers for both. Got any other free parents? And yeah, Wary Fighter lol. It does come in handy for those slower, bulkier units. I mean, I suppose she is better off with Dwyer for better (although still sub-par) MAG Growth.

Edited by ShadowStar77
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I've decided to skip Ignatius this time around. Not for gameplay reasons so much as because I like Dwyer as a character.

Seriously, though, would it have killed them to add a few more supports? Reina, Scarlet, Flora, and Anna don't support anyone but the avatar and possibly Kana. Honestly, I'm wondering if they rushed this game to release.

Edited by Helswath
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