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Hi, my name is Dorian. Pleasure to be here.

Bah, I suck at first posts. Here goes nothing.

So I'm a 32 year old :Canada: male currently studying at the Northern Institute of Technology via open studies, which will allows me to start Game Design during the next school semester. My preferred tastes in content of entertainment are fantasy first, romance second and sci-fi third. So except my very first game to be something along those lines. Since I love these tactical games, expect it to have that too.

Also, yes, I realize you could now hunt me down. Go ahead. I won't bite. Talk your head off, yes, but bite, no.

Started playing games when I was but a wee lad on the Commodore 64 (that I took apart and put back together as that wee lad). My first experience with Fire Emblem on the GBA (still my favorite) and also contains my favorite Lord, Lyndis . I have been playing Fire Emblem ever since then with the only exceptions being the ones prior to Blazing Sword.

Though Lyndis is my favorite Lord, she's not my favorite character in Fire Emblem. That distinction goes to Tharja of Awakening, followed by Gregor, and then Mark of Blazing Sword. Lyndis is 4th with Matthew 5th. For the record, I haven't decided on placements of any Fates characters due to the fact I can't fairly judge them as I'm a) not far enough into Conquest (Chapter 17) and b) I'll need to put as much time into the characters as I did the other games.

As I mentioned before, Blazing Sword is still the Fire Emblem I consider my favorite. Awakenings is 2nd, with Sacred Stones 3rd. I will admit that Awakenings is the Fire Emblem I've played the most however. I haven't played the older games, but eventually I'll get around to it.

Anywoo, that's a bit about me. Think I've taken up enough of your time. Hope you enjoy the read, and catch you on the flip side of life.

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Ah, Binding Blade. That's probably going to be the first "older" FE I play. Simply because it is the "sequel" to Blazing Sword. Yes, I know it came out first, but for me that's how it would be.

Also, I somehow found the Fates Avatar maker, so I did up my Fates Avatar. I forgot to say that I just find that I like Corrin better as female than I do male.

Edit: Also, I did play the updated version of the older Fire Emblem, so does that count as if I played the older one? Or should I still play that one?

Edited by DorianS
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No idea on your questio

Oh, my question was if I played one of the remakes, does that still count as playing the old ones. As I played the updated version of the original Fire Emblem.

Off-topic, but how did you get your MU image onto your computer?

It isn't really off-topic as this is a thread about myself and she is my main character for Fates.

I was looking actually for a picture as close to her as possible, but this link right here was the best thing ever: http://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/avatar-creation/

Got her to look almost right. I think her hair color is the only thing wrong. I went with a the darker shaded blue, but the purple works close enough to her.

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Welcome to the Forest, DorianS!

Bah, I suck at first posts. Here goes nothing.

Nonsense, your introduction is a good one.

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

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Hi everyone! I'm sorry I didn't reply to these sooner.

Welcome to the Forest, DorianS!

Nonsense, your introduction is a good one.

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

Thanks I appreciate it. Sorry for the delayed response, but am a bit injured, so yeah. Dealing with that. Though the 13th was a nice day for me. More or less.

Welcome, DorianS!

You took apart (and put back together) a Commodore 64? Goodness but that sounds complicated.

Yeah, when I was a wee lad I did exactly that.

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Thanks I appreciate it. Sorry for the delayed response, but am a bit injured, so yeah. Dealing with that. Though the 13th was a nice day for me. More or less.

You don't have to apologize for not responding sooner.

Take care, have a nice day and keep enjoying your stay!

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