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Kind of stereotypical, but long time lurker

master egg

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Online name: lammywhammy
Real name: Jonathan (call me lammy or Jonathan, don't really care which one lol)
DoB: July 1st, 1998
Favourite FE Game: Sacred Stones
Favourite Game (other than FE): Chrono Trigger
Favourite FE Character: Micaiah
Least Favourite game: Superman 64 (I decided to completely finish this game on one boring weekend. Worst weekend ever!)
Sports: Tennis, Volleyball, Hiking
Online friends: No one worth mentioning here. lol
Favourite music: Indie Pop/Alternative Rock
Favourite artist/band: Paramore
Favourite song: (such a hard question!) Nina Simone - Feeling Good
Country: USA
MSN/Yahoo/AIM: lol pls just pm me
Hobbies: Playing Sports, Photography, and taking nice, long, relaxing strolls. Also cooking.
Good Point: Good at sports and a pretty talented chef.
Bad Point: I am lazy and I procrastinate WAYYYYY too much.
Anything else? I was introduced to FE at the age of 11, when my friend bought me Radiant Dawn as a present. Still one of the best gifts I have ever had the privilege to receive. You guys seem like such a warm and welcoming community, and I hope that I can make many new friends here.
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