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Unit Performance


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I was curious as to a preliminary look at unit performance overall and general thoughts.

Corrin sticks out as sufficient unit throughout he entire game it seems. Reliable tank with Dragonstone on Birthright route due to lack of high defensive units. Makes good use of Levin Sword due to magic stat and general speed and bulk. Might be best recipient of Dragon Herbs.

Camilla has stuck out has a good unit when reclassed to Wyvern Lord right away. Having access to defense rally and pretty much keeping up with good defense, skill, speed, and strength hitting 30s by lv20 or so if I recall correctly. This is sufficient to double things and KO things as needed. Accuracy is a slight issue I recall, but having swordbreaker helps for later game.

I can add more later. Just tired.

Lunatic/Hard/Normal I am not sure about for stat differences. I played through all levels on Hard and Nohr route certainly had high point caps than say Revelations ever did for enemies. I think the highest end level speed I ever ran into on revelations was say ~30 and the highest for Nohr I think was like 36. Otherwise, I think a unit can be surmised based upon hard/lunatic at the very least for some threshold values. A unit like Jakob I feel cannot cut it as a Butler. The combat stats late into the game are not that good. If he reclassed to say Dreadlord early on perhaps so and even then hitting just barely 30 str/spd at lv40 for dreadlord. Early game contribution is fairly nice for him however.

Edited by Vorena
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Nah jakob/felecia/flora are fine as is. Free staffbots with built in utility and high skill are great. They can reclass for combat potential/skills but at base they do their job just fine.

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Nah jakob/felecia/flora are fine as is. Free staffbots with built in utility and high skill are great. They can reclass for combat potential/skills but at base they do their job just fine.

Not denying that. Its just that by late in the game I believe there are better staff bots. Mounted staff bots to boot. Say Elise for Nohr or Revelations route. Birthright, not as much. Yes, they can do staff detail the entire game just fine, but usually your staff bot might contribute to say damaging stuff. Elise for that matter comes with a very high magic rate. This allows her to occasionally contribute to KO'ing something or weakening something at a distance with high magic stat even with only a fire tome on promotion. While say the servant trio lacks damage late into the game on all, but a few units and as base I might only want to use them for lowering defense with shurikens or something. Which has its uses, but having another unit to clean up weakened enemies on enemy phase is rather valuable compared to a shuriken user for player phase.

For them, its mainy early game combat, then late game healing detail only. With having children in say Forrest for Leo you could just drop the servant trio and go straight to Forrest or something like that contributing staff detail, more movement, and better combat at base class.

My intent is not to find some sort of placement for them like on a tier list, but more to assess their strengths and weaknesses and what they offer. Despite I mention Forrest, his limitation is Nohr/Revelations only and being later half of the game which means availability issue and maybe poor parent.

Edited by Vorena
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Daggers and high staff rank contribute more than that big E rank tome usage and the servants keep orko utility "long enough" with effectiveness daggers and the flame shuriken, they're just not going to facedive EP combat like the MCU's of the game (Which is fine as MCU's will generally have 0 utility out of combat)

Jakob/Felecia/Flora also have the luxury of not dieing to any one hit unlike a certain ch7 royal.

Say you roll corinxsomone+kids, azura + somone+kids, free royals, early game male x camila+kid + servants (alternately you can just do a normal pairing over azura's kid and kidnap 2 falcoknights on ch24)

That's 16 units, aka the maximum deployment count at ideal exp distribution and you'll still have slot issues in ch25 onwards due to kidnapped rallybots (ch23 MoA) and kidnapped pass falcoknights from ch24 (normally you'll drop shigure off the map in this span due to his booty personal bases)

An optimal efficiency route wants to get the kids off 20/20 parents pre ch14 so they can take over the MCU role with broken as shit bases as parents swap into silver bullet builds to manage specific segments of the late game and otherwise function as player phase sweepers.

1st gen only would fuction a bit differently but even then the servants are huge bang for your buck.

Edit: General synopsis of unit usefulness/niche on lunatic. Non turtle play is assumed.

Early conquest units that stand head and shoulders over the competition are corin/silias/camilia/odin/Niles. Corin is obvious and needs no explanation aside from USE +MAG, Silias can use VoF to snowball entirely out of control, he will on average be better than Paladin!Jakob and freaking Camilia at their join times with vow up and stays relevant forever with his deep reclass set, if I was to pick a fates MVP combining all 3 paths Silias wins hands down. Camilia is Harr with tits, that is all. Odin is an odd duck, shit bases, non traditional mage growths, and he has a total investment of about 10k over paralouge1-ch13 to hit his full potential, but he manages to be the top MCU in the game from ch9-whenever you get Ophelia off the power of his absolutely perfect nostank growths/skillset and pays you back coin for coin making his effective cost nill (Post ophelia he's still the second best MCU). Niles is free rallybots and passbirds+theif+magekill+birdkill, great guy, great kid, great combat, impossible to replicate utility.

Honorary mentions to the other early joins, Arthur is an absurdly minmaxed POS with solid utility and a great kid. Mozu eats a early heart seal but has exclusive archer tree and aptitude which makes her pretty great if you're not reclassing corin or jakob, Dancer is dancer, I hate Effie, she needs constant turtling/low move babysitting (using silias as a carrybot is just fucking wrong) to work outside of lolpairupbot but she gives GREAT growths to kids and can be an effective long term MCU so I can't say she's anything less than a solid unit. Staffbot is staffbot (she does have some fun reclass builds) and will fall off the map eventually, dancer is dancer, Nyx exists to pairup bang leo. Beruka/Selena are both solid filler (rng proof arthur replacement, semi exclusive skyknight access). Past that units not named xander or leo are just there for pairup fodder/fun times ch11 onwards you're snowballing waaaay ahead of em.

TL: DR (in no real order)

MCU pool: Odin, Silias, Corin, Effie, Kids.

PPSweeper/Utility pool: Camilia, Silias, Corin, Staffbots, Beruka, Selena, Arthur, Mozu.

Niles pool: Niles (He is the only unit in the game with no redundancy at all)

Freeby pool: Xander, Leo, Camila Kids

Pairup fodder/Use em if you like em they're still viable pool: Everyone else

Edited by joshcja
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Elise is not a good staffbot. She lacks the Skl to utilize status staves effectively, and in LTC she's unlikely to have B-staff rank by the end chapters. Izana and Flora are excellent staffbots because it's impossible to screw their Skl stat, and Flora comes with a B-rank in staves.

Edited by Ryas
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