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Hi! I need help please! Should I restart my game?!


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So basically, I'm brand new to the Fire Emblem scene. After hearing awesome reviews about Awakening, I went and bought it. I'm actually blown away by how addicting this game is!

So here's my issue: I got to Chapter 16 (after Tiki) and realized that I missed recruiting SO many potential characters in this game (because I previously didn't catch on that I could recruit them... I fell so stupid tbh). I missed recruiting Tharja, Gaius, Libra, Severa, Nah, Donnel, and Inigo- I'M SO UPSET!

Is is worth starting fresh from the beginning? I don't mind, but I put a lot of hours into my first file, so I'm hesitant to restart and redo all those hours again... Any suggestions?


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Protip: You have 3 files to work with. Start another one and go for those characters. All PCs that aren't playable from their entrance can be recruited by Chrom. The last 4 aren't even required to be competent by the endgame, as the last 3 are children, and Donnel, while godly when reclassed, is an Est archetype, but available much sooner than most.

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It's more like if you will play second playthrough and if you enjoy support. If is me I probabily quit game for two or three weeks and then restart game, I don t like miss things but I don't like alsorepeat the same thing so I need time to prepare myself.

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Well you seems to have reached little over the half way mark of the story. If you feel hesitant to restart from scratch at least at least finish the main story and then do another run albeit this time around more of a "perfect run". That would I have done if I come to realization that I missed several potential characters. My first run three of my guys died since I didn't know soft reset was a thing. However, if you want a "perfect run" from start to finish then I suggest make a new save file and start over.

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Well you seems to have reached little over the half way mark of the story. If you feel hesitant to restart from scratch at least at least finish the main story and then do another run albeit this time around more of a "perfect run". That would I have done if I come to realization that I missed several potential characters. My first run three of my guys died since I didn't know soft reset was a thing. However, if you want a "perfect run" from start to finish then I suggest make a new save file and start over.

This is more or less my thought as well. OP: You've gotten quite far, I'd see your first file through to the end and then create a new file. Consider it an opportunity to see a whole new set of support conversations! Especially if you create an Avatar of the opposite gender--that alone will give you dozens of new support conversations. Plus, if doing a truly 'perfect' run appeals to you, you'll benefit from being able to ask for pairing advice on the new file.

I completely understand the impulse to restart, but I think you'll have more fun overall if you stick with it for the remaining missions and then come at it with more experienced eyes. Plus--not to give too much detail, but--there's an important choice you make near the end of the game. This way, you'll get to try more than one path with that choice!

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Wait, how did you miss donnel? you can play his paralog at any time, and the game explicitly tells you his recruitment condition. Honestly, i'de say to finish the game, and get them on a second playthrough. They are far from required.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel you, on my first playtrought i didint realize either that i had to recruit them. I suggest you enjoy the game till the end, start again on a hardest difficulty and try to miss no one. Part of the FE experience (imo) is the hard work and the feeling you get after finish a map that put some effort to it. its awesome.

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