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Japan gets new 3DS themes based on the poll results (+ Festival Scramble CGs)

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The wonders of bad writing.

The artwork isn't bad by any means,, but it's nowhere near as good as the beach or Awakening ones and the anatomy seems pretty fucked with only Dwyer looking normal. Shigure has been skipping leg day, Midori and Forrest have T-Rex arms, Ophelia has bigger...tracts of land than her in-game portrait would suggest and although Nina looks alive, I can assure you that she has died from a broken neck.

Ophelia having larger breasts was, without a doubt, done on purpose or willfully ignored. I can already see people voting for the best picture and her winning by a landslide.

Forrest has a gigantic head, that's what caught my attention.

I saw Nina's CG and I was like "Wow, this is gorgeous"

Then I saw Nina has two right feet and I was like "Oh, come on..."

Wait, is that really a thing? That sounds oddly familiar.

Edited by Thane
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Wait, is that really a thing? That sounds oddly familiar.

You mean the two right feet thing? Just look at the Nina artwork, she LITERALLY has two right feet.

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I saw Nina's CG and I was like "Wow, this is gorgeous"

Then I saw Nina has two right feet and I was like "Oh, come on..."

Indeed she does

[spoiler=Image Size]


They must be doing it on purpose now...

Edited by Phillius
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So I guess this makes Corrin Nina's canon mother; they both have two right feet (or did Corrin have two left feet? Whatever it was, it's hereditary).

Somewhere out in the world, Hideo Kojima is shedding a single tear and applauding such a wonderful example of genetics at work.

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As they don't exist in my game... Yes I can.

Suck it hoshidian scum.

(Seriously though expect heavy nohr bias in all of the popularity dlc, the characters are just better.)

Edited by joshcja
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Nina having two right feet is funny. With Corrin I assumed they dun goofed (hence the correction), but this feels like a deliberate reference. Great to see Nina regardless, she's one of my favourite kids.

I'm a bit surprised they passed over Selkie if she's apparently popular and Hoshido could have used another kid, but it's not really the type of thing I'm going to be upset about, even as someone who likes Selkie more than Midori, for instance. The devs can make their own choices, I'm just happy for any optional artwork of this sort we get. It's sure a lot more than we got for FEs in the old days! Especially Sacred Stones where it took how many years for them to even release official art of the supporting cast?

Strange, they're over-exposed but lack depth. It's actually pretty amazing.

It's crazy that you actually believe that, it really shows your anti-Nohr bias IMO. The Nohr royals have some of the most depth of anyone in this cast (even if you don't like them), and the fanbase has reacted appropriately. Even on Birthright they're some of the better characters, so I'm not surprised they consistently do so well on the character polls both at Serenes and elsewhere. But by all means keep sticking your head in the sand and making snarky jokes about people only liking them because of their looks; it's probably easier than actually honestly talking with people to understand why they like these characters, even if you end up disagreeing.

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i guess Kozaki cant draw left feet to save his life, at least they have feet though rather than looking like they float around. Unfortunately a lot of the other characters are unlikely to get CGs as they go off of the popularity polls, and most of the royals won those. Sucks because there are a few characters I would love to see get one that got very few votes in the popularity polls.

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It's crazy that you actually believe that, it really shows your anti-Nohr bias IMO. The Nohr royals have some of the most depth of anyone in this cast (even if you don't like them), and the fanbase has reacted appropriately. Even on Birthright they're some of the better characters, so I'm not surprised they consistently do so well on the character polls both at Serenes and elsewhere. But by all means keep sticking your head in the sand and making snarky jokes about people only liking them because of their looks; it's probably easier than actually honestly talking with people to understand why they like these characters, even if you end up disagreeing.

You what, mate? I don't even know where to begin with this. Firstly, I like to think I don't have a bias towards either side; I like Takumi and Leo and that's essentially it. I might prefer Sakura over Elise, but I think Xander has vastly superior supports to Ryouma, although his in-story portrayal is absolutely abysmal, which has been discussed at length before. It's a mixed bag.

Secondly, you can't use popularity as an indicator of quality - the game encourages the player to use royals, which means everyone will use them and therefore come to value them both as units as well as see their supports, and that's just one of the reasons as to why the polls look the way they do.

Thirdly, I talk to people about this almost on a daily basis; am I not allowed to make fun of something I often discuss? Everyone's more than welcome to make fun of me for inexplicably liking Velour, which is something that people do on occasion. "Snarky jokes" outside of serious discussions are just that, jokes. Things that are not meant to be taken too seriously.

Edited by Thane
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Indeed she does

[spoiler=Image Size]


They must be doing it on purpose now...

Awakening had no feet so obviously it's a difficult concept to grasp in Fates.

So I guess this makes Corrin Nina's canon mother; they both have two right feet (or did Corrin have two left feet? Whatever it was, it's hereditary).

Kamui has two left feet. They both need to trade a foot.

Edited by NekoKnight
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List of things I will definitely make sure when I do my Shiro draw:

give him the properly oriented feet

speaking of which, thanks to the child convo thread and Ryoma/Shiro already been posted, I have a clear idea of how I want to do the shiro piece now

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Awakening had no feet so obviously it's a difficult concept to grasp in Fates.

Kamui has two left feet. They both need to trade a foot.

I still say it's hereditary. If Kojima can mess up genetics and still be praised as a writer, then I can have this as my innocent little headcanon!

List of things I will definitely make sure when I do my Shiro draw:

give him the properly oriented feet

speaking of which, thanks to the child convo thread and Ryoma/Shiro already been posted, I have a clear idea of how I want to do the shiro piece now

I'm looking forward to it!

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Suck it hoshidian scum.

(Seriously though expect heavy nohr bias in all of the popularity dlc, the characters are just better.)

It's crazy that you actually believe that, it really shows your anti-Nohr bias IMO. The Nohr royals have some of the most depth of anyone in this cast (even if you don't like them), and the fanbase has reacted appropriately. Even on Birthright they're some of the better characters, so I'm not surprised they consistently do so well on the character polls both at Serenes and elsewhere. But by all means keep sticking your head in the sand and making snarky jokes about people only liking them because of their looks; it's probably easier than actually honestly talking with people to understand why they like these characters, even if you end up disagreeing.

Conquest fans take heed. These are examples of how not to act

who even cares which side has better characters (though it's Hoshido) because the CGs should be even

it should have been nina, forrest, dwyer, midori, selkie, and shiro

the parents one will likely also have too many Nohr characters so it should be Odin, Charlotte, Jakob, Azura, Oboro, and whoever the popular male adult hoshidan is.

Edited by Ms. Bunch
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Conquest fans take heed. These are examples of how not to act

who even cares which side has better characters (though it's Hoshido) because the CGs should be even

it should have been nina, forrest, dwyer, midori, selkie, and shiro

the parents one will likely also have too many Nohr characters so it should be Odin, Charlotte, Jakob, Azura, Oboro, and whoever the popular male adult hoshidan is.

​Intelligence Systems, you may have heard of them.

(Birthright is still a fun game but there is a really good reason the conquest cast is universally acknowledged as better by non-weebo's, not saying birthright lacks good characters, just that conquest is absolutely saturated with them)

I'm pretty pleased personally because both of my waifu's and slappyface made it in, but tbh I wouldn't care terribly if they didn't. It's just a funtimes extra map.

Edited by joshcja
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​Intelligence Systems, you may have heard of them.

This is implying that Nohr has better characters.

That's almost certainly up for debate.

Edit: "non-weebo's"

okay then

Edited by Ms. Bunch
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This is implying that Nohr has better characters.

That's almost certainly up for debate.

No, there was a preeeeetty large poll, votes were cast.

The issue was in fact decided in a fair and democratic way.

if/how much you agree with the result is absolutely up for debate though (Personally I hate Takumi and Oboro, will not really be bothered when they make it into more CG's though)

Just accept that you are saltier than the oceans grey waves and move on n_n

Edited by joshcja
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who even cares which side has better characters (though it's Hoshido) because the CGs should be even

The CGs should be of whoever the devs feel like. There are reasonable arguments for just taking the top X characters, or the top Y characters of each route... or ignoring all poll results and putting in literally anyone they want. They are bonus content and they are under no obligation to be "fair" with it, any more than Smash had an obligation to put in as many Donkey Kong characters as it has Fire Emblem characters. If you don't like the content, you're entitled not to download it. Be happy for any characters you like that do make it.

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Forrest looks so cute, with that dark paint in his hair, is the most close I can see in game to Oboro!Forrest haha! Too bad the CG looks a bit weird, still cute in context... Ok, all the CG's look a bit weird :/ , Shigure can look fine if you ignore the bottom part I think... And Dwyer and Ophelia CG's look the best.

the parents one will likely also have too many Nohr characters so it should be Odin, Charlotte, Jakob, Azura, Oboro, and whoever the popular male adult hoshidan is.

The most popular Hoshido male is Takumi since he is number 3 in the poll, after Leo and Xander and he was number 1 in the other two polls

Edited by SniperGYS
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​Intelligence Systems, you may have heard of them.

(Birthright is still a fun game but there is a really good reason the conquest cast is universally acknowledged as better by non-weebo's, not saying birthright lacks good characters, just that conquest is absolutely saturated with them)

I'm pretty pleased personally because both of my waifu's and slappyface made it in, but tbh I wouldn't care terribly if they didn't. It's just a funtimes extra map.

Clearly they don't as Shiro and Selkie are more popular and they're aliasing those that only got Birthright.

It's bad business.

And when the dlc costs money they have an obligation to the players as they're courting our money with said dlc.

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The wonders of bad writing.

The artwork isn't bad by any means,, but it's nowhere near as good as the beach or Awakening ones and the anatomy seems pretty fucked with only Dwyer looking normal. Shigure has been skipping leg day, Midori and Forrest have T-Rex arms, Ophelia has bigger...tracts of land than her in-game portrait would suggest and although Nina looks alive, I can assure you that she has died from a broken neck.

Yeah I agree the artwork in this dlc is all over the place. I think the premise of the art is cute, but the anatomy especially Forrest's unusual big head and tiny arms, and Nina's pose in general with her two right feet irk me to no end when I see them. What happened?

Edited by Frelia
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Full resolution here: http://imgur.com/a/gSALV

Thanks to SciresM for FEAT and gdkchan for Ohana3DS.



Why does Nina have two right feet?

Why does Forrest have tiny, t-rex arms?

Why does Shigure look like a bad retread of Mettaton?

Why is Ophelia's hair too dark on the top?

Why is Dwyer even there to begin with? (honestly, how he won the polls is...befuddling to say the least.)

At least Midori seems to look proper.

Shame i might skip out on this DLC too from the looks of things.

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