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Hi, I'm SpearOfLies. My first language isnt english so if I write something wrong, I'm sorry, I try my best to write something understandable.

I played FE shadow dragon five times (2 times 1 star, 2 times 2 stars and last time 2 stars only female characters plus Marth)

I played Sacred stone rom but I lose data so I give up try again.

I currently play awakenng, I try get all S-support(but I lazy most of times) and yesterday I decided (because my stupid cousin delete my save) to get efficiently all while play lunatic(I'm not lazy when I'm reckless). Ad after save, load and reset every relation (only chrom don't because he's only one forcefull marriage), I will end game with my personal couples from my deletes save.

I really love read support so maybe awakening is my favorite FE, but only because unlimited support chance (so I don't need play too many times to get all. I don't care about bonus stats, let me easy get them all and I will happy. Relationship in the war <3

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