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hi! username's altairis :) I am a new FE fan; a filthy casual who was introduced to the series through Awakening and I'm now playing through Fates. I plan on playing older games once I have more time. I also enjoy Pokemon and Zelda, and I watch too much anime for my own good. I also draw and make signatures, so maybe I'll do some of that here. hope to lurk around here for a while! :)

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Hello and Welcome to the forums, don't worry Im an awakening baby as well, but going through the older titles has been a great ride, (hides the salt of still having to wait for fates in the EU).

AH a fellow Zelda fan (a little bit of pokemon too I guess) which is your favourite Zelda game? I personally favor Twilight Princess.

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Lunatic hardcore elitist here. I speak for every elitist ever when I say, "Welcome! We love you!" ..And not because it gives us validation for our own existence, either!

Srsly, though. Welcome to the cool kids' club.

ooookiii hi! i might venture into lunatic sometime but.... for now I'm happy being a casual!

Hello and Welcome to the forums, don't worry Im an awakening baby as well, but going through the older titles has been a great ride, (hides the salt of still having to wait for fates in the EU).

AH a fellow Zelda fan (a little bit of pokemon too I guess) which is your favourite Zelda game? I personally favor Twilight Princess.

twilight princess is my favorite as well! i've played it sooooo many times; my second favorite is skyward sword :)

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