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Hello!, i'm new member on this forum so i thought that i should introduce myself :3... the truth is i've been stalked the serene forest since a long time ago.. before i decided to join.
so.. in term of hacking skill.. i'm lack of many things and not particularly good at anything too :3 the only thing good about me is that "i could try" eventhough i've been failed so many times.

so nice to be here, and please help me from now on (if you wish :3)

OH!, and sorry if my english is bad.. it's not my first language xD

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thank you both of you, glad to know everyone here is friendly.. :3
thanks about information, there's something i want to ask.. can we expand the class list?, i mean it kinda suck to overwrite an already exist class with something new, although i've been dealing with that for god knows how long.

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hello!, well basically.. in nightmare module there some unused class that you can edit to make your own class and 2 empty class that you can edit although i never mess up with it(i'm talking about FE7 module) so my question.. can we expand those class? since i know how limited the unused class is.

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