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Hoshidan Classes and Fire Emblem's European theme


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If the Hoshidan classes were to return in future, how would you think they would change them to fit within Fire Emblem's traditionally European theme? I for one would dislike to see the diviner class simply become the mage class once again. The animal spells and the name of the class made it feel different and awesome to me. Now you Fire Emblem veterans may disagree with me on this, but I think they should keep the diviner class and have mage just replace dark mage (would still thematically be dark). Mage would promote to Sorcerer and Diviner to Onmyoji/Exorcist. It is one step closer to making all of the classes to not just be statistically different, but to also be thematically and spiritually different, and being unique in their own way.

While on this subject, what about the Hoshidan weapons? Having Samurai use katanas was great and more aesthetically pleasing than them using European Arming/Hand-and-Half swords. Although I would be fine with the katanas just being stat clones of the normal weapons, it would still be better IMHO (or one of the things they could do is make it so that the weapons render different models depending on what class is using it).

Maybe I have not seen all that Fire Emblem is yet (I am an Awakening Baby whose only played Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones through E-Shop as pre-Awakening games). Maybe I would be changing the atmosphere of Fire Emblem too much. However, Fates has enlightened me to a see a vision for series: imagine a class list inspired from old warriors across the world. We could even have a witch-doctor class or Aztec-like fighter class. The sky is the limit, and I believe we know how to break that.

Edited by smoothshake317
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I can see the Hoshidan weapons returning as subtypes of the traditional weapons in the future, similar to how blade weapons worked in the GBA and Tellius games.

As for classes, keep them only if they fit thematically with at least one nation in game.

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I'm fine with the Onmyoji class, but I would very much like the sage class to return. I miss their fancy cape twirling while attacking. So far the new dark mage design doesn't really do much to me either.

I don't know how the Hoshido classes will return in the next games, but I do think Fates made way for a lot more class variety by having different countries use special classes. I'm not quite sure how many would fit in the Fire Emblem world though. I can see Arabic/Arabian nights themed classes, but other then that i'm not entirely sure.

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