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If Generation 1.5 Characters had support conversations with others


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One of my main things I don't like about Fire Emblem supports sometimes is the Gen 1.5 characters(or Kamuisexuals), don't get me wrong, Scarlet & Izana are two of my favourite of Fates' characters, but in general, 1.5s usually get the bench due to their forgettableness, such as Reina, who doesn't appear again in the story of Birthright after her text in the Chapter she joins. So this thread is for ideas and things about possible support conversations between Gen 1.5 characters, some of the male 1.5s possible children, and ideas to flesh them out as characters.

For example- In Subaki and Reina's supports, they would constantly compete with each other to see who the better flier is.

Edited by HappyHawlucha
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Personally, I would like:





Scarlet-Rinkah, Ryoma


I only gave them all one since I can't think of any others. I gave Scarlet and Flora extras per se, since Scarlet should be able to marry Ryoma and since I tend to ship Rinkah with Ryoma also, I just just WTFN!

For Flora, she can already support Felicia, why not Jakob? Also, I ship them.

Gunter and Fuga are not here since they already have support options.

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Personally, I would like:





Scarlet-Rinkah, Ryoma


I only gave them all one since I can't think of any others. I gave Scarlet and Flora extras per se, since Scarlet should be able to marry Ryoma and since I tend to ship Rinkah with Ryoma also, I just just WTFN!

For Flora, she can already support Felicia, why not Jakob? Also, I ship them.

Gunter and Fuga are not here since they already have support options.

Yeah, I ship Flora and Jakob so hard. I'd imagine that their supports would be somewhat similar to Saizo & Kagero's, because I remember hearing somewhere that Flora had a crush on Jakob, so maybe it would be like Flora is reluctant to talk to Jakob and Jakob is completely oblivious that Flora had a crush on him, and when he confesses his love, she is shocked that he feels the same way and reveals that she never stopped loving him, and was jealous of his close relationship with the Avatar and also Felicia.

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Isn't Shura one of if not THE one who kidnapped Azura, and the reason for as to why he joins in (I believe) Conquest is because of her? Why the bloody hell can't they talk about that?

Flora should be able to talk to Xander at least in Revelation and tell him about what happened to her and Felicia when they were kids, since Felicia seems to have forgotten her own backstory.

Yukimura and Reina - I've never cared too much about either of them, but I think their personalities would clash and I imagine they've got some history together.

Aaand of course the obvious one: Ryouma and Crimson. I honestly have no idea why that's not a thing, but it should've been there.

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Well Reina, Yukimura, and Orochi are all described as Mikoto's retainers. They should be able to support with each other at least.

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Ones that needed to happen:

Jakob & Flora- LUV

Gunter & Flora- "NO, I LOVE CORRIN MORE"
Reina & Subaki- Who's the better flier
Reina & Orochi- Mikoto development
Yukimura & Reina- More Mikoto Development

Yukimura & Orochi- Even more Mikoto development
Yukimura & Ryoma- Talk about Raijinto and Sumeragi

Izana & Orochi- Izana: Look at my hair Orochi. Orochi: I'll make potions to make it shinier *fails miserably*

Izana & Hayato- Magic Contest
Scarlet & Ryoma- Wasn't it awesome when we teamed up?

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Yeah, it's just that if those two did support, that's probably what it would be like

I like to imagine Flora having a lot more depth than that considering her overall importance even though she's a minor character, so I really hope that's not the approach they'd go for. Then again, this is the game that keeps on giving in terms of bad writing, so who knows.

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I agree with Scarlet and Ryoma, why that wasn't an option makes no sense. I actually think they rushed Fates out the door before it was ready, expecially since the stories problems mostly come from not expanding upon or explaining things well. I am under the impression Scarlet and Ryoma was intended to happen, but got cut to reach the release date, along with many other things.

I think a Gunter and Reina support could of been pretty humorous as well, but it would require allowing Gunter to support people in Revelation, which should of been allowed.

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I like to imagine Flora having a lot more depth than that considering her overall importance even though she's a minor character, so I really hope that's not the approach they'd go for. Then again, this is the game that keeps on giving in terms of bad writing, so who knows.

Considering that

Gunter and Flora are the two servant characters who have hidden motives or circumstances regarding their closeness to Corrin

I would hope they would have more interesting things to talk about.

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I agree with Scarlet and Ryoma, why that wasn't an option makes no sense. I actually think they rushed Fates out the door before it was ready, expecially since the stories problems mostly come from not expanding upon or explaining things well. I am under the impression Scarlet and Ryoma was intended to happen, but got cut to reach the release date, along with many other things.

I think a Gunter and Reina support could of been pretty humorous as well, but it would require allowing Gunter to support people in Revelation, which should of been allowed.

I kind of agree with this idea in of Fates being rushed in general. Reina, Scarlet, and Shura are recruited just like any other character but for some reason they weren't given supports? It doesn't make any sense because there's nothing about those characters which makes them different than the others.

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Scarlet & Ryoma- Wasn't it awesome when we teamed up?

I know a lot of people want them to talk about being the bestest of battle buddies (and that's valid) but shouldn't they also discuss the unique relationship Chevalier has with Hoshido or at least the relationship Crimson and Ryoma have? It's been mentioned earlier that Hoshido and Nohr have a lot of animosity between each other so Ryoma chumming it up with someone who is Nohrian seems significant.

According to the wiki, Crimsom's grandfather was a servant of the king of Hoshido...uh, can we talk about this?

Edited by NekoKnight
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What I really want is a conversation between Gunther and Flora. I'm so bitter that he could support with Joker, but not Flora and Felicia. He worked with them too, so why, IS, why?

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What I really want is a conversation between Gunther and Flora. I'm so bitter that he could support with Joker, but not Flora and Felicia. He worked with them too, so why, IS, why?

Because they have no platonic opposite-sex supports except for siblings and parent-child.

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No, I know how platonic is definied. I'm wondering how one acquires these supports, if they're simply the nature of the supports with siblings, parents/children, etc., or if further conversations are somehow unlocked...?

I might be missing something from earlier in the conversation.

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No, I know how platonic is definied. I'm wondering how one acquires these supports, if they're simply the nature of the supports with siblings, parents/children, etc., or if further conversations are somehow unlocked...?

I might be missing something from earlier in the conversation.

I'm not the original poster, but I think they are trying to say that there are no platonic supports in the game between members of the opposite sex except for those situations

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Let's see...

Gunter: Flora, Felicia, Reina, Yukimura

Scarlet: Ryoma, Xander, Shura

Reina: Tsubaki, Hinoka, Peri, Yukimura, Gunter

Yukimura: Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, Sakura, Kagero, Orochi, Gunter, Reina

Flora: Jakob, Camilla, Rinkah

Fuga: Rinkah, Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, Sakura

Shura: Niles, Ryoma, Scarlet

Izana: Orochi, Kaden

..are some of the supports I think could have been interesting, for both world-building and character interaction. (Despite my own dislike of Yukimura, there really was a lot of wasted potential with him.)

EDIT: Whoops, completely forgot Shura and Izana.

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It's kind of weird too, because Awakening had at least one platonic opposite gender pairing with Basilio and Flavia, and the new Scramble conversations seemed to show that IS realized that people wanted more of them for the characters with very few supports, even if they couldn't S rank.

I'd actually really like to see conversations involving Kaze and the capturable bosses from Conquest's main story (Haitaka and Kumagera) about fighting against Hoshido. Really, it's a shame that due to the supports having to be compatible with Revelation, there are basically no conversations from Kaze himself regarding how he feels about fighting against Hoshido. If there were no Revelation, his supports with Nohrian characters could specifically talk about his choice to fight against his old home. But, due to being compatible with Revelations, they couldn't really do that. Even the Scrambles probably won't touch on that matter since they need to be generic.

Haitaka and Kumagera would be in a similar situation too - former members of Hoshido's army that end up fighting against their former allies - and Haitaka himself seemed to be part of the corrupt Hoshido faction that wanted to kill Azura. So, It could give a lot of material for interesting conversations.

Edited by NeonZ
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Flora&Jakob - My retainers cant talk whit each other that is bad
Yukimura&Orochi&Reina - Mikoto retainers
Scarlet&Ryoma - I ship em
Shura&Saizo/Kaze/Kagero - Talking about his past and explaining why he turned an outlaw to fellow ninja
Izana&Sakura and Elise - Izana having fun with elise / Izana teaching sakura some magic or something
Gunther&Felicia and Flora - My retainers cant talk whit each other that is bad
Reina&Peri - Id love to see them talking about how they kill their foes and go on crazy blood lust
Fuuga&Yukimura - talking about both Mikoto and Sumeragi

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