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[RANT] Damn you, Nintendo EShop!


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So, my birthday was during the past week. Some of my family came to visit me, as I live in Canada while they live in the United States. They know how much I love Nintendo so they decided to buy me an EShop gift card to buy whatever I wanted. I was so excited, as since Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation came out, I was going to use the card to buy that path. Now my family visited, gave me the EShop card. It was worth $35, so just enough to buy the game. I enter the code. I get the message "The card you are using cannot be used with the current region settings". Well, this is a setback. I go to the system settings and change my region. Ok. Problem solved. I go to buy the path. "Your system region settings do not match up with your NNID's settings". Ok. No problem. I'll just go change the region for my NNID. Oh wait. I CAN'T. Now the money is probably going to waste. I guess I'll give it to some friends I know in the states. *Sigh*, this sucks.

Sorry, I just needed to vent. Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

Edited by Kazemozu
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It does warn you about this when you make your NNID...

But I agree, it's a really stupid and unfair policy. If you've got a good friend you can trust, maybe you can have them get you a card via an internet retailer within your region in exchange for that card's code?

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You can try to email Nintendo about it. I mean, this is different from when my eshop card didn't work because it was defective but basically on Nintendo's contact page, there's a section where people can send any non-working eshop cards.

Basically what happened to me was my eshop card wouldn't work so I sent Nintendo a ticket about it that contained a photo of both sides of the eshop card (make sure the pin is scratched and visible), my 3DS serial code, my Nintendo Network ID, my home address and my phone number. They were able to put $20 onto my Nintendo eshop account for me since all the info I gave them was valid.

Your case is a bit different, but it doesn't hurt to try.

Edited by carefreejules
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