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Halloween DLC Convo Thread


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They're better than the child ones, anyway. Aside from the obvious Setsuna, can't say I'm a fan of Oboro's (she seems a bit... short?) and Leo's and Camilla's anatomies seem kind of off - Leo's head and Camilla's legs. [T]subaki and Xander look foine tho.

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Speaking of Flora's supports here, that one with Gunther is interesting. I'm probably missing the point, but is it about Romantic feelings for Gunther, Romantic feelings for Jakob, or just friendly feelings for Gunther? But yeah, poor Flora, though I think I saw it more as "Jakob being oblivious as usual" than "Flora's pining for Jakob".

In the Felicia x Gunter conversation, they both admit that they think of one another as father and daughter, and it's likely no different for Flora. That conversation is one between a father whose age is catching up with him hard, and a concerned daughter who wishes to care for him when he can no longer do so himself.

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The CGs aren't THAT horrible. The one that I think is not the best would be Setsuna's but everyone looks 'decently' proportionate but I'm not going to nitpick.

The CGs look great to some or they may look like hot shit to others - it's subjective.

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So the CG's for the Halloween DLC is supposedly not even done by Kozaki, and they look terrible. Here is the Oboro CG, and warning, its bad.


Setsuna's is even worst, and Camila's is pretty bad too.

I would say that the artwork of the ladies is pretty bad, but it's alright for the guys. It's really disappointing. The harvest festival ones weren't very good either. A far cry from the Awakening ones.

Subaki's is particularly great.

Oboro looks like her head was copy and pasted onto someone else's body.

At least the CG's for the Recollection of Foam with the parents and the children is really well done.

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It's the one you've all been waiting for! Ryoma/Scarlet!


Abvora's saltiness increased. Seriously, why couldn't they S-support?

I was dreading seeing this. Not because I thought it would be bad, but because I knew it would be really fucking good and that I would be extremely angry they can't fucking bang and birth blond, wyvern rider Shiro.

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What. The. Fuck.

So Scarlet canonically is in love with Ryoma. Great. Just great. I'm so goddamn mad you can't even believe. I'm starting to think I should just do a Thor Odinson and make a Scarlet avatar to sate my Scarlet/Ryoma and blonde Shiro desires. I'm so mad.

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It's the one you've all been waiting for! Ryoma/Scarlet!


Abvora's saltiness increased. Seriously, why couldn't they S-support?

This... made me even more upset that they can't support in-game.

what if... it was the flower he gave her that she put on her chest before jumping into the canyon...

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This... made me even more upset that they can't support in-game.

what if... it was the flower he gave her that she put on her chest before jumping into the canyon...

Please stop making me cry more then I already have.

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That was really good, but at the same time, I can feel the blood vessels in my body rupturing as a result of pure, unbridled rage. These two have more natural chemistry than any other pairing in the game (with the possible exception of Corrin x Azura), so obviously making her a Kamuisexual was the smart thing to do.

Meanwhile, at IS Headquarters:


Edited by Phillius
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Really enjoying the conversations. I feel that they're really well written.

Camilla and Azura is perfect, and every translation I've seen thus far has been just as good.

Still salty they can't support in game. Can we trade if tor her one with Azama?

could we not take our disappointment out on the best character in the game please

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This... made me even more upset that they can't support in-game.

what if... it was the flower he gave her that she put on her chest before jumping into the canyon...

what did I do to deserve that mental image how dare you I'm a real person with real feelings

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So to summarise:

This DLC has only left me sad and salty because two of the pairings (one romantic and one platonic) that should very well have been in the game weren't, and now we have the evidence to suggest they would have been fucking great.

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It's the one you've all been waiting for! Ryoma/Scarlet!


Abvora's saltiness increased. Seriously, why couldn't they S-support?



[spoiler=my unfiltered reactions to this, through skype]

[3/23/16, 10:40:24 PM] Lumi: Ryoma is such a
[3/23/16, 10:40:29 PM] Lumi: he’s so
[3/23/16, 10:40:32 PM] Lumi: oblivious
[3/23/16, 10:40:37 PM] Sangyul: Lol
[3/23/16, 10:40:44 PM] Sangyul: Far more oblivious than his bro
[3/23/16, 10:40:51 PM] Sangyul: Maybe Oboro should give Scarlet tips on making the guy notice you
[3/23/16, 10:41:07 PM] Lumi: he is said to be bad at women’s hearts
[3/23/16, 10:41:19 PM] Sangyul: Takumi's only good at Oboro's heart
[3/23/16, 10:41:22 PM] Lumi: haha
[3/23/16, 10:41:28 PM] Lumi: Scarlet: ...Man, you're such a kill-joy. You didn't have to say that.
Ryoma: ...I-I don't--...
i want to see his expression there
[3/23/16, 10:41:44 PM] Sangyul: Red
[3/23/16, 10:41:46 PM] Sangyul: Like a lobster
[3/23/16, 10:41:47 PM] Lumi: oh man this is suffering though, what if ryouma only realised he’s in love this entire time after she’s gone
[3/23/16, 10:41:52 PM] Sangyul: Yeah
[3/23/16, 10:42:01 PM] Sangyul: Or maybe was gonna propose
[3/23/16, 10:42:07 PM] Lumi: such suffering
[3/23/16, 10:42:57 PM] Lumi: Ryoma: We were enjoying a peaceful dinner, but then we were surrounded by a swarm of bandits. You ran out and beat them all singlehandedly.
Scarlet: Yeah. Just like we were talking about before, right before the bandits attacked, you gave me a flower.
did ryouma seriously unintentionally dinner date her

tl;dr im suffering

gonna read Ryoma/Shura next, reactions to follow

Edited by Thor Odinson
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[spoiler=my unfiltered reactions to this, through skype]

[3/23/16, 10:40:24 PM] Lumi: Ryoma is such a
[3/23/16, 10:40:29 PM] Lumi: he’s so
[3/23/16, 10:40:32 PM] Lumi: oblivious
[3/23/16, 10:40:37 PM] Sangyul: Lol
[3/23/16, 10:40:44 PM] Sangyul: Far more oblivious than his bro
[3/23/16, 10:40:51 PM] Sangyul: Maybe Oboro should give Scarlet tips on making the guy notice you
[3/23/16, 10:41:07 PM] Lumi: he is said to be bad at women’s hearts
[3/23/16, 10:41:19 PM] Sangyul: Takumi's only good at Oboro's heart
[3/23/16, 10:41:22 PM] Lumi: haha
[3/23/16, 10:41:28 PM] Lumi: Scarlet: ...Man, you're such a kill-joy. You didn't have to say that.
Ryoma: ...I-I don't--...
i want to see his expression there
[3/23/16, 10:41:44 PM] Sangyul: Red
[3/23/16, 10:41:46 PM] Sangyul: Like a lobster
[3/23/16, 10:41:47 PM] Lumi: oh man this is suffering though, what if ryouma only realised he’s in love this entire time after she’s gone
[3/23/16, 10:41:52 PM] Sangyul: Yeah
[3/23/16, 10:42:01 PM] Sangyul: Or maybe was gonna propose
[3/23/16, 10:42:07 PM] Lumi: such suffering
[3/23/16, 10:42:57 PM] Lumi: Ryoma: We were enjoying a peaceful dinner, but then we were surrounded by a swarm of bandits. You ran out and beat them all singlehandedly.
Scarlet: Yeah. Just like we were talking about before, right before the bandits attacked, you gave me a flower.
did ryouma seriously unintentionally dinner date her

tl;dr im suffering

gonna read Ryoma/Shura next, reactions to follow


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I don't think im ever gonna stop suffering because of those two


something I noticed with ryoma overall is that he talks less formally to start with than, say, xander, and he seems to not give a shit when people don't address him with honorifics--the only person in a friendly situation as far as I know to do that is Rinkah and Revelations!Xander, though (although I think they still call each other prince, while Rinkah entirely drops the titles and Ryoma had 0 shits given), and probably because prince vs tribe princess status can be similarly equated to how fuga was sumeragi's friend and equal despite one of them having a much bigger country than the other.

I really wish I knew more jpn because if I could analyze this from a linguistic/speech pattern pov it'd be great, but alas, I'm limited by the narrow scope of japanese I know

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Ryoma, you dense motherfucker! She obviously wants you to pop the question! But noooo, IS just loves unrequited love!

Fuck it, time to raid their offices and teach them how to write stories and write supports that will satisfy fans, the joys and wonders of enchanced editions, and, as my dad always said, take them out behind the barn and explain the ways of life to them. Start with the latter first so that they will be in the right mood to cooperate, provided their writing hands are still intact of course.

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