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Halloween DLC Convo Thread


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Elise: Eh? Isn't it normal being outside when it's dark?
Sakura: I-is it? So Elise-san is an adult...I'm always been told by my mother and my older brother to return to my room once it gets dark...

Make of this what you will. Just know now that it's not only the localization that did this.


A Hoshidan being surprised at a Nohrian thinking that it is normal to be outside when it's dark...Even though it is usually dark in Nohr...

Cluelesness. Standard, moe, cluelessness.

Edited by The DanMan
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A Hoshidan being surprised at a Nohrian thinking that it is normal to be outside when it's dark...Even though it is usually dark in Nohr...

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Make of this what you will. Just know now that it's not only the localization that did this.

To timid Sakura staying up and going outside at night sounds like an adult thing to do. It's not really an age statement and it's nothing like localization's "technical adults". I thought it was obvious but I guess I could have phrased it differently.

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Bringing in Hinoka/Setsuna: http://nanigma.tumblr.com/post/142532984252/hinokasetsuna

I found the second half pretty hilarious. Also, it seems like all the Broshidos (minus Ryouma maybe) are actually scaredy cats towards horror.

Thanks for always helping out with translations, I appreciate it!

...Does Setsuna have a single conversation in the entire game that doesn't involve her being an airhead or falling down pitfalls?

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Thanks for always helping out with translations, I appreciate it!

...Does Setsuna have a single conversation in the entire game that doesn't involve her being an airhead or falling down pitfalls?

You are welcome. I always appreciate feedback.

And yeah, Setsuna feels more like a walking joke than a character. I don't think it's really possible to think about her in realistic human terms.. Still, this support was at least funny because of Hinoka.

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Thanks for always helping out with translations, I appreciate it!

...Does Setsuna have a single conversation in the entire game that doesn't involve her being an airhead or falling down pitfalls?

Believe it or not, I found one. Her support with Hinata mentions the pitfalls, but it's more about her making medicine for the two of them since they're both prone to injury.

Still involves her gimmick, but it uses it in a new, original way (at least compared to the rest of her supports).

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After taking a short break, because it's the first week of the new semester for me, here is Hinoka/Orochi: http://nanigma.tumblr.com/post/142758322252/hinokaorochi

This one is just so good. I really love that they did Orochi some justice here. She didn't deserve the last place in the poll. Hinoka was also very sweet here.

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After taking a short break, because it's the first week of the new semester for me, here is Hinoka/Orochi: http://nanigma.tumblr.com/post/142758322252/hinokaorochi

This one is just so good. I really love that they did Orochi some justice here. She didn't deserve the last place in the poll. Hinoka was also very sweet here.

Welcome back! First week of semester is always rough, hope you're adjusting well~

Thanks for that! That was a really good convo, surprisingly.

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I'm always interested in more Hinata.

Thank you for all your hard work translating these! I've been really enjoying reading them. You have one of my favourite tumblrs if that's not too creepy to say.

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Thank you for your kind words. And no it's not creepy at all.

I really don't want to look as if I am doing this all for the attention. I just like to have feedback and know when something is wrong with my translation. They are still useful practice, but silence makes me feel as if I am writing into the void.

I would really like to do the rest of the Halloween Scramble translations regardless though. You know, finish what you started. Expect more to follow over the weekend.

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Thank you for your kind words. And no it's not creepy at all.

I really don't want to look as if I am doing this all for the attention. I just like to have feedback and know when something is wrong with my translation. They are still useful practice, but silence makes me feel as if I am writing into the void.

I would really like to do the rest of the Halloween Scramble translations regardless though. You know, finish what you started. Expect more to follow over the weekend.

I'm still interested and updating~

Thanks a bunch for doing these translations! Everything I've seen from you seems fine and non-clunky, but I'm not an expert in Japanese linguistics, so I can't say whether my opinion is correct.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is Silas/Saizo: http://nanigma.tumblr.com/post/144519233787/silassaizo

I hope this still gets uploaded to the op later.

Anyway, all of Saizo's convos are so amusing to me. What a big macho child.

I'm still uploading the OP, don't worry!

That was certainly amusing; thanks for your effort in translating it!

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Azama: Why don’t you change that overly serious mindset of yours and learn to be more relaxed about these things?

Saizo: … Change my mindset?

Azama: Yes. For instance… How about your assumption that “the Faceless are attacking the humans”? Why don’t you look at it from a different perspective?

Saizo: You mean “the humans are attacking the Faceless.”…

Azama: Exactly. And, these Faceless might even be celebrating their own festival here. What would you do if that were true? Neither humans nor Faceless have the moral high-ground then. Don’t you think that this might be the case?

Saizo: No, I don’t.


Silas: No, that’s not it. Maybe the Faceless aren’t invading at all. They might be here to enjoy the festival with us. Since that thought came to me, I have been unable to get rid of it.

Saizo: …. Are you serious?

I get the feeling that these conversations happened within a really short amount of time. I can just imagine Saizo thinking "Not this shit again" as he talks with Silas. These conversations are really amusing. Thanks for translating them. Saizo is one of my favorite characters.

Edited by Luankachu
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  • 1 month later...
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I know everyone's forgotten about this scramble but I was bored and wanted to do something different so here's




And feel free to ignore this but I just saw some older stuff by various people was missing. curse my fixation with lists

Oboro-Kagerou http://pastebin.com/70i8FWR5

Oboro-Hinoka http://pastebin.com/Qw4NuS6w or http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/145741707497/if-its-not-too-much-trouble-can-you-translate

Oboro-Sakura http://pastebin.com/cQyzDR7Y or http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/145979012022/for-the-anon-that-asked-for-sakura-oboros-nohr

Jakob-Zero http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=62375&page=7#entry4295513

Asama-Suzukaze http://pastebin.com/tX9ZevwR

Flannel-Joker http://pastebin.com/WPbHAgZ3 or http://pastebin.com/mP13XRSd

Belka-Charlotte http://pastebin.com/JWDD4VSC

Nyx-Luna http://pastebin.com/0g5qnWbg

Pieri-Nyx http://pastebin.com/mwjutiud

Big contribution, thanks for taking the time to do it! Added to OP!

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