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What is the point of gift cards?


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Gift cards show you at least vaguely know what they might like. They give the illusion of an actual present!

yeah, this

if you just give someone money it'll look like you had no idea what to get them

if you get them a gift card it'll look more like "HEY, YOU LIKE THIS THING, RIGHT?"

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also if you give me money i'll feel obliged to save it or be responsible with it

if you give me a gift card i will have so much fun spending it because that's all it's for B)

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Gift cards show you at least vaguely know what they might like. They give the illusion of an actual present!

sidenote i fuckin love gift cards


Gift cards are nice, and fun because I like when the artwork of the gift card is different depending on the season (like Christmas themed, Halloween, etc)

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I didn't really know the point of gift cards until I met Specta ^o^

Money, you can do whatever you want with it and some people (like Specta) feel obligated to save money rather than spend it, but when you have a gift card it's something you need to spend and you're even given a deadline (or at least... they do expire eventually don't they?? or am I just thinking coupons?), so now you're obligated to spend it

Gift cards are for people like her~!

(but I guess they could be for the points above as well)

And I don't think it needs to be asked why stores find a use for gift cards~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I really disliked getting Barnes and nobles gift cards cause I could get books at the library, but at least I could buy books and donate them when I was done

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth

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I don't have a credit card so I tend to ask my mom for a gift card to a shop I like but does not have a store in my area and buy something I want from there when she asks me what I want for a present. I always keep an Amazon gift card balance so that if something FE related comes up for sale that I want I can order it, the same with GameStop when it comes to Amiibos. Plus for me a prepaid debit card has a $7 fee for activating it while a gift card has no fee you just put the amount you need on the card and that's it, I don't have a big amount of spending money so not having to spend $7 extra on something I have to save up for makes a big difference to me.

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Why not just give someone money instead?With gift cards you're restricted to certain areas. Why would someone want less?

They keep the subject from spending it on drugs.

(Except some places will trade gift cards for cash for a fee.)

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I really disliked getting Barnes and nobles gift cards cause I could get books at the library, but at least I could buy books and donate them when I was done

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth

Barnes and Noble sells a lot more than books. They have puzzles, music, movies, toys, magazines, and a variety of other items.

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That's why you just get them a prepaid [insert card vendor here] card, like Visa or Mastercard. They basically act like a debit card in all ways other than that they have a limited balance; you can use them for whatever you want and it's still a nice and tidy little card instead of a blob of money, so it doesn't have that same sort of stigma attached to it. Also saves them the trouble of going to the bank and depositing that money on their own time, too.

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