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Tell your Fire emblem story!

Blue Druid

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How did you get into Fire Emblem?

For me, (like with a lot of other people) it was Smash Bros. I just looked up Fire Emblem after I played Smash Bros. because I wanted to find out where Marth and Roy came from, and I downloaded the FE7 ROM. But I don't remember it appealing to me, so I didn't really get into it. It was not until I downloaded FE8 on 3DS (when it was offered on the eShop for free along with 9 other GBA games back in 2011) that I really got into it.

So, what's your stories?

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I saw Eliwood on a poster advertising Fire Emblem. I thought he was cute, so I bought the game. The rest is history (especially after finding the really cute guys that weren't on the cover).

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I knew about Fire Emblem for a while, since I really liked Ike in Brawl.

Although my first game I played was Awakening in 2013/2014 (not sure of the exact date).

Honestly wish I got into the series much sooner but I've come to enjoy many of the other games and can't wait for more!

Edited by Jin
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There I was in the darkness of the night. I witnessed the greatest enlightening scene that burned itself into the depths of my eyes. At first I was shocked at the idea when I laid my eyes upon my friend's GBA game, Fire Emblem 7. He was playing a game that was like no other to me at the time. I watched him play and decided that I had to get this masterpiece at all costs. I asked my father to get the game for me and he ended up getting me Fire Emblem 8 Sacred Stones. As I played the game more and more, I grew a strong attachment to it and it will always be a game close to my own dear heart. That is my story, the end.

I may or may not really like Owain.

Edited by Avarice_Shadow
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Got Awankening for my b-day cause everyone was freaking out over how great it was

then I got into ROM hacking, got my hands dirty with that shiet, still kinda am

actually managed to get GBA carts of 7 and 8; mom and dad got them for me off of either Amazon or eBay

then, uh

I forget the rest

Edited by Pixelman
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I started Fire Emblem on pretty simple terms. I played the demo for Fire Emblem Awakening and ended up buying the full game.

Then, once I started doing my research I realized that there were FE games that were even better than Awakening and after that it didn't take much for me to get hooked on the entire series.

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I knew about Fire Emblem for a while, since I really liked Ike in Brawl.

Although my first game I played was Awakening in 2013/2014 (not sure of the exact date).

Honestly wish I got into the series much sooner but I've come to enjoy many of the other games and can't wait for more!

Exact same for me, except Marth instead of Ike, and I was also influenced by some random youtube vids.
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Um, I got fe8 through the 3ds ambassador program. I enjoyed it. Then, I heard about awakening and I had to get it.

That's where I got it, and started FE too! *high five*

I love your profile pic btw.

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A guy once stayed at my house for a week for this experience program thingy, and he had a gameboy advance and Fire Emblem (7), which young me and my brother at the time were really enthralled by. I was so interested in the game that I vowed to look for it in every store I went too. After I got my Wii, I saw a Fire Emblem game on the shelves called "Radiant Dawn." I begged my mom for it, and she got it for me, and I loved it (though I sucked). I also did eventually come across FE7 at an overpriced retro games store in Calgary. It was like $70, so I never expected to get it, which made me surprised when it ended up under my Christmas Tree later that year. I stayed up late at night, past my bedtime playing that game.

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My best friend in elementary school sold me his old DS and gave me a bunch of games for it. He pointed out Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, and said: "You'll like this game."

Well, I loved it. And I thought: "Since this is Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, there must be other Fire Emblem games, right?" I did some research, played The Sacred Stones and later Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light - the rest is history.

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One of my good friends got Shadow Dragon because she recognized Marth from Brawl, but since she couldn't get past chapter 5 she gave it to me to see if I could beat the level. I did(just barely) and found that I really loved the gameplay, so we conducted a trade of games and Shadow Dragon became mine. After that I kinda forgot about the series for a year because New Mystery didn't get localized though I later found out about the translation patch and was thus able to play the game. I finished it just in time to pick up Awakening, which got me into the rest of the series with its multitudinous references.

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Brawl got me interested in Marth and Ike to some degree (that actually took years though), then a week before my birthday in 2013, I was shopping with my parents for my birthday present, which at the time, I really wanted a Pikachu 3DSXL just in preparation for Pokémon X and Y, but they either weren't in stock or just not released at the time. So, because I obviously still wanted a 3DS at the time, I was shown a few other 3DS offers and the Awakening special edition caught my eye because of Lucina on the cover in her "Marth" guise. A switch in my mind flicked and I simultaneously remembered every match I won on Brawl with Marth and was drawn to it.

I was still hesitant about the thought but when I eventually decided to play it, my hesitancy remained and I felt cautious around the characters (not unlike how the Avatar is at the start of the game). I continued playing and eventually I finished Chapter 9 and after Emmeryn's sacrifice, I felt sheer anger toward Gangrel, and genuine grief for Chrom and Lissa, whom I then felt obligated to help dutifully. From there, I continued as I would with any game I held less apprehension of up until I completed Chapter 13 and learned of everything about Lucina's past/future. Seeing her break down in Chrom's arms just drew me in. I wanted to make sure that she felt safe and had no worries, even willing to go as far as helping repair her damaged will. Nobody should have to suffer that way...

By the end of the game... I remember just feeling like I fulfilled my duty, but I kept playing for ages. So somewhere between June 1st 2013 (when I bought my 3DS) and the release of Pokémon X and Y, because I just wouldn't put the game down.

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For some reason i went and bought Sacred stones when it first came out. But I'm not sure why. Probably because of SSB.

It turned out I had a friend who also had SS. He also had FE7, so for my birthday he bought me a used copy. Then I just kept playing them.

That was all in like, middle school.

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I first learned of Fire Emblem via Smash Brothers Melee. I enjoyed the music that was played, but otherwise really didn't pay too much attention to Marth and Roy at the time.

Then, when Brawl was doing its PR Hype Train, they showed off an assist trophy of Lyn. Being the young teen that I was, I went "Hey, it's a pretty lady!", and then I promptly did some research and made the connection that she was in Fire Emblem, like Roy and Marth.

So, I somehow ended up going to Game Stop looking for FE: Blazing Sword, but they didn't have it in stock. So, I ended up getting Sacred Stones instead. Afterwards, I played every FE game that was released here in the States.

Play Order: Sacred Stones, Blazing Sword, Radiant Dawn, Path of Radiance, Shadow Dragon (remake), Awakening, Fates

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Before Fire Emblem I was into a strategy RPG named Front Mission 3. I didn't know the genre, but I loved the blue movement and orange attack squares with the player and enemy phases.

Fast forward after Melee.

I was bored one day so I searched my main, Roy's origins.

I saw the squares on the "history of Roy's moves" and looked it up.

Translation patch.

And then a year later, I saw the battle screen again and I didn't recognize the characters. I played Lyn's story... and I got into the series.

I justify my piracy on ROMs as a little kid who wanted to try an import game with a translation patch.

I now own all the released US Fire Emblem's with two that I have an English and Japanese copy of.

I think they got their money back.

Since getting into the series, I got into ROM hacking of the GBA games... and despite some issues I'd rather forget about my past... thanks to Fire Emblem, I was able to choose my major in college, have a relatively successful Youtube channel, have somewhat of a semi-celebrity presence in the community, have a well paying job, and met the most wonderful, kind, and caring girl in the entire world.

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I first heard of FE after playing Battle for Wesnoth, and went online to find recommendations of similar games. Wesnoth is a great game, which probably does the tactics better than FE, though not the characterization and story.

I was so intrigued by the FE games I ended up getting a 3DS to play Awakening, even though I haven't touched a console since the N64 like 15 years ago. Now I'm at a bit of gaming renaissance in my life, all due to FE.

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Picked up Smash. Played as Ike and thought he was cool. Researched on his game a bit and decided to start the series with FE7. And as of now I've played FE6 to FE14 (haven't played BR or RV yet).

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