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Sup, my name is Hamed.

I've been a fan of FE for a like 6 years now

I've played everything from Binding Blade onwards.

My faved FE's

1. Blazing Sword

2. Sacred Stones

3. PoR w/ RD

4. Fates

5. Awakening

Least faved

1. Shadow Dragon

2. Binding Blade

Faved Units across the franchise

Nino, Matthew, Severa/Selena, Cherche, Peri, Illyana, Erika, Ephraim, Lyn, Ninian, Olivia, Lon'Qu, Henry, Ophelia, Soleil, Oboro, Camilla, Keaton, Jaffar, Cormag, Joshua, Marisa, Mia, Oscar, Hector, much much more lol

Anyways, I hope to get to now many people on here

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Hello and Welcome to the forums, :O You no like Binding Blade that much :O

Yeah, some of the gameplay choices were bad

Roy is pretty shitty and when he class changes, he doesn't even get a change in his look.

Also, there was no Assasin class, making Thiefs super useless.

Plus, there were more likeable things in the other 2 GBA games, that put it to dust.

Roy is not my boy.

In FE at least, in Smash he is a beast.

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Welcome to Airport 1001! Look out for ELMA-DS and the Death Rogumer. I'm not surprised you hate Shadow Dragon - I personally look down on it as the absolute worst thing I ever played.

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Welcome to Airport 1001! Look out for ELMA-DS and the Death Rogumer. I'm not surprised you hate Shadow Dragon - I personally look down on it as the absolute worst thing I ever played.

Well it did have horrible quality and absolutely no character development.

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Well it did have horrible quality and absolutely no character development.

Exactly - for a supposed "remake", it felt rather archaic, to say nothing of IS's questionable-to-outright-bad design choices.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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