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I was on the Wind tribe chapter on Revelations


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Sakura got scattered and I didn't want to leave her up there and risk her dying. Wind happened to be blowing in the right way, and I saw a Dragon Vein. Says "Calls wind that moves all units", figured that would be perfect, it would get her out of the way and near the rest of the army, and they can guard from any enemies that might be blown near too. I have her use it, blows the enemies closer and doesn't affect any of my units at all, she's now completely surrounded and has just wasted her turned and is all but guaranteed to die.

Thanks game.

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They should really clarify that.

The DVs that you activate move enemy units, not your own. When your units are positioned in places that the winds are present, however, then it'll be them that'll be moved. Took me a bit to figure out the pattern.

We all have our days. Like when RNG is being especially cruel.

Edited by NightStar
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The ride never ends in Mr. Fuga's Wild Ride..... One of my least favorite chapters in Revelations next to Dracorrin Tanking Forever in a Maze. Rinkah still stuck in E Axes, Hana can't take a hit, and Subaki gets the short end of the stick by being blown the farthest because he's a flier.

You're gonna hate Revelations Chapter 10.

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Yeah, I get how it works now, still pretty bad the text was misleading though

The ride never ends in Mr. Fuga's Wild Ride..... One of my least favorite chapters in Revelations next to Dracorrin Tanking Forever in a Maze. Rinkah still stuck in E Axes, Hana can't take a hit, and Subaki gets the short end of the stick by being blown the farthest because he's a flier.

You're gonna hate Revelations Chapter 10.

I'm also playing on Lunatic and Rinkah upon joining is too weak to even deal damage to enemy Oni Savages, it's kind of hilarious.

Heh, looking forward to it.

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