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Lucina Amiibo Glitch?


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I didn't notice this until just now when I was browsing the Accesory Shop page on the main site, and saw that you get the butterfly mask accessory from the Lucina amiibo. I have been using all four of the FE amiibos in Fates, but whenever I scan Lucina, I only ever get bear hats. I always thought it was odd how Lucina was the only one of the four to give the same accessory twice, but I now see that was not what was supposed to happen. I have used the amiibo on multiple save files, and this has always been the case for me, where Lucina gives me a bear hat both of the first two times I scan her, regardless of which option I pick first. Has anyone else encountered anything like this, and does anyone know why this might have happened?

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I was able to get the Butterfly Mask during my first encounter with her. I've had this happen to a close friend of mine a while back though, but I'm unsure on how this bug triggers.

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Update: I just now scanned Lucina for the second time on my Conquest hard run and got the butterfly mask. This is the first time this has happened however, and I went back to all 3 of my older files to make sure. They all had two bear hats and no butterfly mask, but for some reason I got the butterfly mask this time. I have no idea why this is the case

Edit: So this time I also scanned my other amiibo and got a second Marths Tiara, Robins Books, and Ikes Pauldron. This time Lucina was the only one to not give a duplicate. I am puzzled

Edited by TheCaptain
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