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Vanguard Dawn DLC Comes Today, Prepare to Fight for Your Friends

Shadow Knight

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I'm so hyped. I was disappointed when powersaves lacked a vanguard brand cheat, but now I can be Ike and have a cape without being barefoot. Heck, I think I'll make a team of Ike wannabes with replica ragnells just because

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I already got to play around with Aether thanks to Nohrian trust, but now I can have the full package! Aside from Gunther though I dunno who else I really want to use the seal.

Perhaps Shiro or Arthur would make good not!Ikes

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I already got to play around with Aether thanks to Nohrian trust, but now I can have the full package! Aside from Gunther though I dunno who else I really want to use the seal.

Perhaps Shiro or Arthur would make good not!Ikes

I'm thinking Myself, Then Xander, then Silas, then Leo, then Laslow, then Odin, then Benny, then Ryoma, then Tsubaki, then Yukimura

I'm pretty sure it changes the Aether animation too

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Ike: it took him 3 years to become ripped

Forrest: it only takes him a few seconds to become extremely ripped via use of the Vanguard Brand

And Vanguard class holds the honor of being the only amiibo class with all class skills learnable by both genders (3 of the skills available in skill manuals on the same DLC map; the remaining skill in the Recollection of Bubbles DLC).

Also, 1 week until Anna DLC hype!

Edited by Roflolxp54
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I bought all of the dlc upfront. Even though it's the release date, I have no idea how I can play it. It just keeps saying it will be released at a later time.

Wait until 12:00 PM EST, then you'll be able to download it.

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I really hope that its not going to be another map with Generic units, whats the point in even leveling your own units when you never use them.

It isn't,

Though I don't mind using generic units because it means you can get those extra seals and dragon stat item early.

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It isn't,

Though I don't mind using generic units because it means you can get those extra seals and dragon stat item early.

That is true, what they should do is give us an option to use our units (and have enemy scale to progress) or the generic units with fix enemy stats.

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I already got to play around with Aether thanks to Nohrian trust, but now I can have the full package! Aside from Gunther though I dunno who else I really want to use the seal.

Perhaps Shiro or Arthur would make good not!Ikes

Arthur/Harold makes a great Vanguard though he doesn't get much speed - enough to not get doubled, at least. But then you have JUSTICE Aether, and he takes physical hits like a champ, and great strength to boot. Harold's skill isn't too shabby too!

Not to mention he gets extra movement and sword usage early. And then Strengthtaker...

For Aether, Vanguard motions are Ike's Up B -> Horizontal slash that sends Harold to the other side of the enemy.


That is true, what they should do is give us an option to use our units (and have enemy scale to progress) or the generic units with fix enemy stats.

You use your own units in this one, and it scales to chapter the same as the Paralogues. My personal best time to do this chapter is around Ch9-10 of any campaign, when you just have enough units to fill out all the slots. Probably after Ch10 so you have Takumi/Camilla helping out and unpromoted enemies.

Edited by s07195
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