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gheb the CIA agent (it is script form)

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Somewhere in iraq:

CIA1-"this man won't talk, we even tried waterboarding"

CIA2-"that's everything in our arsenel"

CIA chief- "no, there is another"

*epic music plays*


CIA1-"you sure that is wise"

CIA chief-"we have no choice, KNOLL"

*over walkie talkies*


CIA chief "we need gheb"

Knoll-"I'll notify him immediately, and I'll have Jeigan ready the cialis and viagra"

CIA chief- "tell him to wear a condom this time please"

Knoll-"I'll be sure to tell him"

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part 2 of part one:

*knoll goes walking down dimly lit corridor and meets canas*

knoll-"I hope he doesn't try to rape me like he did that last time"

canas-"no he's busy right now with someone else, do we're safe, but just to make sure we better put on safety gear"

*they go into the seperate rooms and don on chastity belts*

knoll-"these damn things are always uncomfortable"

canas-"well duh, they're made out of metal"

*they continue down the corridor until they reach a door saying "CAUTION DO NOT ENTER UNLESS YOU WANT TO DIE'*

knoll-"I always thought that that was ironic"

canas-"yea, since we are almost always the one to get him"

*knoll presses a button which opens the door, leading them to another hallway, this one enitrely lit and completly white*

Knoll-"this place must cost a damn fortune, but hey it gets the job done"

as they approach the door, they hear a woman's scream "NO NO NOT THERE, AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHHHHHHH"

Canas-"ready, one two THREE"

*they burst in the doors, and find gheb doing unmentionable things to a random woman soldier, they throw deku nuts at gheb and stun him temporarily*

Canas(to the woman)-"that's what you get for being AWOL"

Knoll(to a stunned gheb)-"hey you're needed in truth room 5, and colonel says wear these" *puts a box of trojan condoms on ghebs stomach*

Canas-"Jeigan has magnum mix ready, this is serious buisness, be there in 5 minutes"

Gheb-"only if I get tana as an assistant"

Canas-"not this time, but she has been acting up lately so maybe next time"

*canas and knoll leave taking the woman with her*

Gheb-"hehehe he this is going to be fun"

(if quality starts to drop tell me)

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PART 3 of ch.1

*gheb goes walking down th corrido until he meets a man in a radiation suit*

Gheb-"you're here, heh heh heh, want to come back to my room after this

reyson-"I'm just here to make sure the guy doesn't die, you remeber what happened last time"

Gheb-"heh heh heh, that was fun, but no colonel is making me wear condoms this time, but my question still stands, want me to interrogate you after this"


Gheb-"fine but you better keep an eye on your sister, she's looking mighty fine right now, heh heh heh

Truth room 5

*jeigan enters with a tray full of pills in amounts equal to an AIDS patient*

Jeigan- "colonel everything is set, permission to get out before things get ugly??"

CIA chief-"permission granted"

Jeigan"thank you"

*gheb and reyson enters, gheb starts taking the pills*

Reyson-" now you sir are in trouble, this guy here will do unmentionable things to you, he will sex you until your eyeballs fall out, and I can make it a prometheus treatment unless if you TELL US WHERE IT IS"


Reyson- "Gheb at your ready"

Gheb-"so you changed your mind"

Reyson-"NO, I meant on him, now get started"

*gheb starts ding unmentionable things to the terrorist, as a result, his spleen pops out, his eyeballs turn to mush, and his liver gets chirrosis, Reyson sings him back to health*

Reyson-"you ready to talk??"

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