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A Question on Shadowbanning and Resources


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I plan to powersave a Rev file as soon as I get a new laptop. I was going to use the Branch option to get the resources I got from my current Rev run, which I like except for one. I know people can use the powersave to get all the resources, but I'd only like to change my Daikon for Rice. I don't know how that would work as I've only powersaved in Pokemon and Monster Hunter, but if I go online with a resource I didnt have when I started, while not having any extra, would I get shadowbanned, or is Fates not that great in noticing small hacks?

Edited by Vere
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You can't get shadowbanned for changing your My Castle resources, or even hacking in different kinds all in the same castle. I've seen a few castles with literally every resource, two of which have the most VP. Fates isn't great at noticing small hacks, if the Aptitude first gens were any clue.

Edited by Braixen
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It seems you only get shadowbanned if you hack enemy exclusive skills/weapons

You can't get shadowbanned for changing your My Castle resources, or even hacking in different kinds all in the same castle. I've seen a few castles with literally every resource, two of which have the most VP. Fates isn't great at noticing small hacks, if the Aptitude first gens were any clue.

or the first gens with draconic hex, hoshidan unity, nohrian trust, draconic heir, etc

skills that are supposedly unique to Corrin and Kana

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It seems you only get shadowbanned if you hack enemy exclusive skills/weapons

or the first gens with draconic hex, hoshidan unity, nohrian trust, draconic heir, etc

skills that are supposedly unique to Corrin and Kana

Or weapons that can't be enhanced. Stones (Dragonstones and Beaststones as well as Beastruns) and the Legendary Weapons (Yato [including the upgrades], Raijinto, Siegfried, Fuijin Yumi and Brynhildr can't be enhanced at all) can't be upgraded. S-Rank Weapons also can't be upgraded since you only get one of each S-Rank weapon per save file. Since we can't buy S-Grade Weapons or Legendary Weapons from other players nor do weapons transfer to other save files (as in getting replicates, both weapons (Legendary and S-Grade) can't be upgraded at all. Don't know if the Repli-Amiibo Weapons also share this issue.

Due to how My Castle functions (which is pretty cheap as it comes), as long as the Avatar's child (if more than Kana) was able to inherit the Nohr Prince/Princess and Nohr/Hoshido Noble classes, they can earn those class exclusive skills. Since excluding Corrin (works with both genders), each unit can learn skills that their logbook self has learned and are available.

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