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Bought items on a character at my castle


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So I Recruited a Kana at a my castle battle seeing that it had 2 abilities I didn't have yet.

I ended up getting 4 swords that she was holding and a dragonstone +

Anyone else been getting items when recruiting? This was new to me.

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I haven't been able to recreate the event, but the one "unusual" thing was. Immediately after I recruited that Kana I decided I may as well Accept my S-support and get my Kana. So I recruited my real Kana right after.

Assuming this is a "bug" or unintended... I don't think you could use this to "legally" buy pairs of boots etc.

Honestly a third dragonstone + with marriage yielding only 1 child is wasted but w/e.

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...Interesting. I wonder if it's tied to the same bug that causes child units to use the incorrect haircolor as a result of recruited einherjar...

Edited by Ritisa
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I'm assuming it's a bug, I figure it will probably be exploited by people to mass omega yatos or something, but if people start doing that it'll get patched.

I hadn't heard about the kid hair color bug. That's interesting is it something we can manipulate? cause there's a few pairing that make for high stats.... but ugly babies.

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It's only in their recruitment chapter, unfortunately.

What you do is you just recruit an einherjar kid before recruiting the real one and for some reason their haircolor in the cutscenes will be that of the einherjar. I think it has something to do with where the game stores this info in its RAM or something...

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