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FE Cipher April Fools Day Card


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Translation from Shirakawa 'Nanaka' Wynn on the FE Cipher FB group:

Trainee Gamer Emma

Saint Pegasus

Reset. ACT [Flip 1 bond] Both players shuffle all cards on the field into their respective decks, and start the game from the beginning (from the point where you pick your Lord)

Don't be fooled! SPEC: You can put up to 0 copies of this card into your deck.

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"Saint Pegasus" (Seitenma Musha) has been officially translated as Falcon Knight.

Did everyone forget that the Fates localization mostly threw out the "Kanji vs Kana" theme the JP one had?

Example: "Sniper"

You could have literally commented anything but a translation nitpick.

I personally think it's cute... I guess Japan is slowly adopting "April Fools".

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Take my money, Cipher....

Don't be fooled! SPEC: You can put up to 0 copies of this card into your deck.


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