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Question about Birthright


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I am trying to get the Mercenary/Hero class. Is is accessible in Birthright through relationships and seals or I could only get through the character creation when I was picking my second class? I tried ranking up Felicia to S Support Rank since she has the Hero class but for some reason when I tried using the partner seals, all I can get is the Strategist and Butler classes.

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You can only get it in Birthright through the character creation screen. Partner and Friendship seals only give you the other person's base class, unless your secondary matches, I believe.

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Felicia gives the Troubadour class because her base class is Troubadour. Units give their primary class and not their secondary ones. I think the only way you'd get access to those classes from Felicia is if you had Troubadour as your own secondary class (I'm not 100% sure about this though, hopefully someone can clarify)

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