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Hello! I'm Caligula, and I'm an art student! I love oil and watercolor painting! But I'm also an avid baker, who loves blueberries. My favorite drink is coffee. I've played Fire Emblem since Awakening, but I'm hoping to eventually get more of the older games, too! I also like other gaming series, like the Persona series, and Bravely Default (which I still have to finish.. ;w;) I tend to like JRPGs more than any other genre. Although I'm a sucker for dating sims.

I love writing, and I run a blog where I write a lot for Fire Emblem! My favorite Fire Emblem character from Awakening is Panne. Or Libra. And for Fates, it's a tie between Pieri and Nyx for Nohr, and it's Orochi for Hoshido. I really love editing the sprites and portraits from Awakening and Fates, which I tend to do a lot!

I see that there's a Sprites gallery, but most of the sprites are from GBA games. Would I be allowed to post my Awakening and Fates portrait sprites there?

My favorite Awakening class is either Dark Flier or taguel. And my favorite Fates classes are Tactician for Nohr, and Kinshi Knight for Hoshido.

I think that's it? I hope to make some new friends here!!

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Welcome aboard, Caligula!

I'm gonna go on a wild guess here and assume that you like mounted units! They ARE good units and from what I understand a lot of people consider them to be the best end-class for a lot of characters due to their high movement.

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Hello and welcome to the forest!

For your sprite question, you can but I think you'll have to open a new thread for this (unless a certain thead ask you to post your spirites of any games which would also be fine).

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Yeah, sprites from Awakening/Fates are acceptable. But like Nym said, you may have to open a new thread.

I think we'd also love to see your oil and watercolors in the creative section as well! :)

Greetings, Konnichiwa, Zdravo, etc. Welcome to the forest and enjoy your time here!

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Welcome Caligula! Another Orochi lover is always welcome in my book! I'm actually an avid baker too! My favorite pastries are eclairs! Enjoy your stay in the Forest!!

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Welcome to the Forest, Caligula!

I see that there's a Sprites gallery, but most of the sprites are from GBA games. Would I be allowed to post my Awakening and Fates portrait sprites there?

Of course you're allowed to do so!

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

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