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Sophie, Sophie, Wherefore art thou, Sophie?


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Talk to Sophie with Silas to recruit her. By the way, my English teacher taught me that that particular line in Romeo and Juliet ("Wherefore art thou, Romeo") actually means why did his name have to be Romeo, not where is Romeo (she says it because she realized that he is of the family her family has a feud with).

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Fun fact, "wherefore" has nothing to do with "where"; it means "why". The most common example of the word's usage comes from Romeo and Juliette, in which the latter asks "wherefore" Romeo was born into an enemy family, complicating their love escapades.

A few examples of "wherefore" in other Germanic languages are: "warum", "hvorfor" and "varför" - notice how similar the two last examples are.

Edited by Thane
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