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Can we turn off music in Fates?


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So I want to get the sound that happens when we crit (the sound effect and the voice) but the problem is that the music is in the way. Is there a way to turn off music or at least suggest something that can help me get what I need? Anything help is much appreciated!

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You can access the Options menu by pressing the A button in My Castle when not within examining proximity of any facility or character, and then pressing the R button.

From there, scroll down to "Music Volume", and pull the gauge all the way down.

There ya go!

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I have a gigantic archive that's a direct rip of the game's sounds, but they're all named with hex id's... I can link you to it if you want, but you'd have to do some hella searching to find what you want.

Edited by Ritisa
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I've organized the massive folder with all the voice clips and sound effects so feel free to download it. They aren't named but they are organized by character and sound effect so it should be a lot easier to find what you're looking for.

I have the crit sound clips in a separate folder for myself (since I plan on making a video compilation of all the crit quotes for my youtube channel and the video is half finished) so I'll let you know the name of them if you do decide to download the folder from the link.

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