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Conquest Version of Birthright/Revelation Chapters

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Many will probably agree that Conquest is famous/infamous for its insanely sometimes unfairly difficult chapters. On the other hand, Birthright and Revelation is much more manageable even with Lunatic difficulty.

So, I was thinking what if these chapters have Conquest difficulties? These are my speculation.


Chapter 7: Staff user with Freeze and Enfeeble in the middle of the map.

Chapter 8: Since enemies are natives to desert, they ignore movement penalties.

Chapter 10: Ninjas have turrets positioned in hard to reach places.

Chapter 12: Xander is positioned on the escape tile to prevent Corrin from easy escape. After certain turns, he uses dragon vein to freeze water.

Chapter 14: Reinforcements, lots of reinforcements.

Chapter 17: Flora has crazy debuff staves + (may be staff savant?)

Chapter 18: Facelesses have Savage Blows and various breakers + Leo summons a lot more Facelesses.

Chapter 20: Same concept as Chapter 18

Chapter 21: After certain turns lava flows and infinite number of reinforcement comes from holes.

Chapter 23: Map already kinda feels like Conquest chapter. If I have to add, it would be lots of reinforcements.

Chapter 24: Every enemies has at least one annoying skills like Counter or Rallies.

Chapter 26: Staff users with inevitable end + staff savant.


I can't really think of creative one since many maps are already gimmicky. I can think of reinforcements or annoying skills, but it would be dull to fill all chapters with them.

If you have any brilliant ideas, please do share.

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Not much of a contribution, I know, but if there is one thing that I feel deserves mention it is the following. If no one else, then Anankos definetely deserves a massive buff. As in, enough of a buff to make him notably more powerful than double-zombie-Takumi. Like, for starters, maybe give him a unique skill called something like "Draconic Essence" which would be a more powerful version of Dragonskin where it would reduce damage to a third or maybe even a quarter of the original value while the Omega Yato will deal either two thirds or half of the original value instead.

Edited by RedEyedDrake
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Many will probably agree that Conquest is famous/infamous for its insanely sometimes unfairly difficult chapters. On the other hand, Birthright and Revelation is much more manageable even with Lunatic difficulty.

So, I was thinking what if these chapters have Conquest difficulties? These are my speculation.


Chapter 7: Staff user with Freeze and Enfeeble in the middle of the map.

Chapter 8: Since enemies are natives to desert, they ignore movement penalties.

Chapter 10: Ninjas have turrets positioned in hard to reach places.

Chapter 12: Xander is positioned on the escape tile to prevent Corrin from easy escape. After certain turns, he uses dragon vein to freeze water.

Chapter 14: Reinforcements, lots of reinforcements.

Chapter 17: Flora has crazy debuff staves + (may be staff savant?)

Chapter 18: Facelesses have Savage Blows and various breakers + Leo summons a lot more Facelesses.

Chapter 20: Same concept as Chapter 18

Chapter 21: After certain turns lava flows and infinite number of reinforcement comes from holes.

Chapter 23: Map already kinda feels like Conquest chapter. If I have to add, it would be lots of reinforcements.

Chapter 24: Every enemies has at least one annoying skills like Counter or Rallies.

Chapter 26: Staff users with inevitable end + staff savant.


I can't really think of creative one since many maps are already gimmicky. I can think of reinforcements or annoying skills, but it would be dull to fill all chapters with them.

If you have any brilliant ideas, please do share.

Looking at your post and what I would/wouldn't mind.

Chapter 7 becomes slightly harder, not much but a bit more of a struggle on Lunatic (can't move and less stats to have and enemies to bug you).

Chapter 8, you lose Setsuna and Azama too fast if you don't move towards them, Hinoka most likely will survive since she can fly (and does fly to your side).

Chapter 10: No, no turrets, Ninja + Debuff spam is already annoying without said spikes harming everyone forcing Sakura and Jakob/Felicia to heal everyone.

Chapter 12 becomes Chapter 10 Conquest, not needed. Especially since Xander is not one to scoff at since he can potentially 1-2 HKO any units you have at that point if they aren't promoted. Even Takumi, your best bet will struggle, Azama risks dying to Xander's retainers if he survives against Xander. Also, Garon would be stationed near said exit point which is definitely not needed.

Chapter 14: Not bad, but Ryoma still walks over enemies with no trouble. Ditto to Corrin/Kamui who is already broken by that point.

Chapter 17: Just give Flora both Counter and Counter Magic to screw everyone up. Place Dragonskin and Status Immunity on her to make players rage at how useless most methods become.

Chapter 18: Just buff Leo and his retainers so they have max HP and 25+ stats all over not named HP. Give Leo a Dragon Vein that sends everyone in your team's HP to 1 at the start of your turn after turn 1 so you can't just beat the enemies like they're nothing.

Chapter 20: Just make the boss the only enemy but with 70 HP and 30+ in all other stats with Dragonskin and 5 of the Breaker Skills.

Chapter 21: No infinite lava flow after a set time, enemies become a pain on harder difficulties and you'll burn through a lot of staves to remain alive. Make the boss Stoneborn have something like 30 Skill and a powerful offensive trigger skill.

Chapter 23 (Camilla's final appearance): Every Dragon Vein that Camilla triggers sends a wave of 15-20 Malig Knights and Wyvern Lords with max stats at you.

Chapter 24: Rallies yes, Counter, NO. Enemies just suicide into your units to kill you, that is not fun since you'll have to rely on Dual Guards to survive and that takes time to build the Dual Gauge.

Chapter 26 should be Chapter 25 since you face Iago there. Chapter 25 should have Iago (max stats) with Staff Savant, Counter, Dragonic Hex, Renewal and Dragonskin.

Chapter 26 (Xander's final chapter): Laslow and Peri are fully promoted and max stats. All enemies are promoted and max stats with +7 weapons minus Xander who you can't harm until Turn 20.

Not much of a contribution, I know, but if there is one thing that I feel deserves mention it is the following. If no one else, then Anankos definetely deserves a massive buff. As in, enough of a buff to make him notably more powerful than double-zombie-Takumi. Like, for starters, maybe give him a unique skill called something like "Draconic Essence" which would be a more powerful version of Dragonskin where it would reduce damage to a third or maybe even a quarter of the original value while the Omega Yato will deal either two thirds or half of the original value instead.

I hope this isn't what you're planning for Anakos...

*Dragonskin+: Halves all non-skill offensive damage taken from enemies. Lethality and Counter Skills don't work. Poison doesn't work. All Offensive Trigger Skills do 25% damage. Omega Yato still allows Corrin/Kamui to do 75% damage not 25% damage only if they use Omega Yato against him and nothing else.

*Status Immunity: Can't be debuffed.

*Renewal+: Restores 50% of his total HP at the start of Enemy Turn.

*Dragonic Hex+: Those that battle him lose +8 to all stats (not HP which isn't affected) (each stat recovers by 1 point during each of your turns).

*Counter and Counter Magic: No description needed.

This would make Anakos a nightmare on Classic.

Edited by Emblem Blade
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All maps: Buff enemies by 5-10 points in every, single, benchmark, stat and give em conqy skill distribution. Bosses need a fucking 10-20 point buff in all benchmarks to even come close holy shit.

Lower enemy density by 25-30% and just change overall enemy distribution to be "smarter" with staves/stave formations placed sparingly but diabolically

Completely alter the layout of half the maps to make them not cheesy as hell (Looking at you birthright 26), or physically painful to play (rev 24 fuck off)

Remove grind

Remove the patched in "bad" AI that makes the game crash randomly in BR.

Ranjito is 1-1 range.

Inevitable end is a thing.

Maps should actively punish turtleing

Edited by joshcja
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All maps: Buff enemies by 5-10 points in every, single, benchmark, stat and give em conqy skill distribution. Bosses need a fucking 10-20 point buff in all benchmarks to even come close holy shit.

Lower enemy density by 25-30% and just change overall enemy distribution to be "smarter" with staves/stave formations placed sparingly but diabolically

Completely alter the layout of half the maps to make them not cheesy as hell (Looking at you birthright 26), or physically painful to play (rev 24 fuck off)

Remove grind

Remove the patched in "bad" AI that makes the game crash randomly in BR.

Ranjito is 1-1 range.

Inevitable end is a thing.

Maps should actively punish turtleing

Remove Grinding? Fates nerfed the HP/Defense/Resistance Growths overall as well as the caps on said stats compared to the previous games and that stings on runs where no casualties are permitted.

Nerfing Raijinto means that Siegfried and Yato (upgraded forms which grant +1 boosts in the first form and +2 boosts in their final forms, -10 Luck to the Avatar when in their inventory regardless of upgrade) should be nerfed as well in the same way to balance out the eldest brothers and the Avatar.

Punish as in cause enemy reinforcements to show up with nearly 15+ enemies per wave? Some chapters had 'turtling' as the best bet, most chapters don't even need that strategy to be effective. Turtling wasn't needed honestly in Fates, even if some of said enemies in the chapters where it was best were a pain.

Birthright Chapter 26 felt intentional since Xander wanted you to kill him to end the fighting asap after Elise died. The layout was simple for facing Xander but the enemies (minus Xander who didn't really have any more will to fight you and thus having Chapter 12 stats + 60 HP felt justified) felt weak.

Edited by Emblem Blade
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Chapter 17: Just give Flora both Counter and Counter Magic to screw everyone up. Place Dragonskin and Status Immunity on her to make players rage at how useless most methods become. probably too early for status immunity and both are just really out of place and make no sense

Chapter 18: Just buff Leo and his retainers so they have max HP and 25+ stats all over not named HP. Give Leo a Dragon Vein that sends everyone in your team's HP to 1 at the start of your turn after turn 1 so you can't just beat the enemies like they're nothing. I don't recall stats but I'm pretty sure that's way too high. the DV is also broken as hell

Chapter 20: Just make the boss the only enemy but with 70 HP and 30+ in all other stats with Dragonskin and 5 of the Breaker Skills.as before, stats are way too high. and also not a proper map. you can't send that many units to attack per turn and there'd be basically no exp that map

Chapter 23 (Camilla's final appearance): Every Dragon Vein that Camilla triggers sends a wave of 15-20 Malig Knights and Wyvern Lords with max stats at you.that many reinforcements make no sense. if she can still use the DV every turn, even more so

Chapter 24: Rallies yes, Counter, NO. Enemies just suicide into your units to kill you, that is not fun since you'll have to rely on Dual Guards to survive and that takes time to build the Dual Gauge.recall that Counter doesn't activate as initiating attacker

Chapter 26 should be Chapter 25 since you face Iago there. Chapter 25 should have Iago (max stats) with Staff Savant, Counter, Dragonic Hex, Renewal and Dragonskin.again, out of place skills for difficulties's sake isn't good. plus cap stats 3 chapters before the end makes no sense either. in Birthright, you don't even reach Lvl 20 on everyone usually and definitely not cap except on a few stats

Chapter 26 (Xander's final chapter): Laslow and Peri are fully promoted and max stats. All enemies are promoted and max stats with +7 weapons minus Xander who you can't harm until Turn 20.you're seriously blowing the difficulty way out of proportion

answers in bold. this is way past Conquest difficulty ._.

All maps: Buff enemies by 5-10 points in every, single, benchmark, stat and give em conqy skill distribution. Bosses need a fucking 10-20 point buff in all benchmarks to even come close holy shit.

5 is a lot more than you think. 10 basically breaks the game already. how do you do a 20 pt buff when caps are ~32? 5 is the maximum buff you can really do

Edited by GoXDS
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I don't think making birthright into conquest difficulty is a simple matter of "lol buff enemies and spam skills everywhere". Conquest had a lot of thought put into it and careless placement of these skills and enemies can easily get overboard if you're not careful.

Enemy positioning, which ones have what skills in particular, AI adjustments etc all require a lot more degree of specification than all this spam.

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answers in bold. this is way past Conquest difficulty ._.

Well, when players complain about how pathetic Birthright/Revelations is compared to Conquest in terms of gameplay, I'll give some absurdly unneeded solutions until they calm down or I see that I'm just making the difficulty even harder than needed. I find Conquest to be harder than both, yes. But when you look at how the mechanics in each path is, I can't complain about the overall challenges.

*Flora is easy cakewalk using Ryoma + Takumi combo in general, one critical-hit on her and she dies, and both of those brothers have a really high rate for critical-hits when they attack/counterattack. She's also one of the easiest bosses in Birthright, she needs a really powerful buff.

*Leo is also one pathetic boss, again, even without the brothers, he still can go down really fast (even on Lunatic where his normal buff isn't sufficient). Just send in Rinka or a powerful melee brute and he goes down too fast.

*Chapter 20: Ok, give the boss the same stats it has normally but give it some form of enemy-only skill to make it more of a challenge. Dragonskin alone with some Breaker Skills would give players a decent challenge.

*Chapter 23: Minus the reinforcements, the Dragon Veins that Camilla uses aren't even that deadly compared to those of Chapter 12. Only issue is not letting Effie and Arthur die or having Camilla KO your units.

*Iago in Chapter 25 should get a much better buff for stats (since Sorcerers tend to be a pretty average class as NPCs only) and have better skills even if said stats I mentioned aren't needed since he is after all number 2 in terms of power/leadership in Nohr being Garon's tactician (although he sucks as a leader and as a strategist all the way).

*Chapter 26 on Birthright while the layout seemed correct, every enemy minus Xander felt too weak. Especially when you can possibly OTKO Xander before any real fighting takes place. You didn't even need any Hoshido Royals to breeze through the chapter before you actually fought the boss. Unlike your fight against Ryoma where you might be forced to violate the terms of agreement where only you and Ryoma fight each other.

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Well, when players complain about how pathetic Birthright/Revelations is compared to Conquest in terms of gameplay, I'll give some absurdly unneeded solutions until they calm down or I see that I'm just making the difficulty even harder than needed. I find Conquest to be harder than both, yes. But when you look at how the mechanics in each path is, I can't complain about the overall challenges.

well if that was your intent then sure. but the first few suggestions (rather, critiques) you gave were legit so...

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well if that was your intent then sure. but the first few suggestions (rather, critiques) you gave were legit so...

I can recap how I passed through Lunatic/Classic Birthright on the bosses I mentioned (Kaze gets a severe mention for being the MVP in my Birthright runthroughs each time):

*Flora: Repeated the chapter but without Ryoma/Takumi. Flora died to Scarlet (critical-hit on a non-Killing weapon), next attempt died to Sakubi (doubled by a Silver Naginata).

*Leo: Kept getting Lethality'd by Kaze once the battle starts who keeps getting stuck with a Skill Stat by then that doesn't go above 26. Saizo 2-HKO'd him with critical-hits when I decided not to use Kaze.

*Chapter 20 Boss: Kaze again, got Lethality off and killed the boss.

*Chapter 23: Outside of trying to prevent Effie and Arthur from dying after speaking to them, only Camilla was a pain, the Dragon Veins did about nothing since I only had Avatar + Hinata (paired-up) running towards Camilla with everyone else staying out of the Dragon Vein's reach.

*Chapter 24: Blitz Rush towards Hans was hard but the boss wasn't too much trouble. The issue came with those Hexing Rods + Enfeeble enemies with Zerkers and Heroes rushing at the weakened units. Hans should have been a bit stronger since even Kamui feared seeing him until after Lilith took the fatal blow.

*Chapter 25: Iago is still...pathetically easy, dumb mage barely gave Rinka a fight outside of trying to abuse Staff Savant + Staff. I know he's an idiot in just about every form but if he's 2nd after Garon in role (excluding Xander as the Prince), he should have better stats and skills, mostly for Birthright where he's not so much of a threat.

*Chapter 26: I didn't even fight Xander until all that was left was his retainers which took a bit of work to avoid killing them (had to unequip weapons if they could target any of my units who had weapons equipped).

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One suggestion I have for Birthright 23 is for Camilla to actually start destroying the Alleyways after a certain amount of turns. Let's say every 3 turns or so, Camilla takes an alley out. This, combined with the various reinforcements, gives the player incentive to rush further in the map for either shelter or an early clear from defeating Camilla.

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