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Can't come close to beating Hidden Truths... (spoilers?)


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It's just not possible for me.

You get 3 units who are pretty low level (Severa, Owain, Inigo) and have to 'rout the enemy' which keeps coming. Plus... I don't even think my units are strong enough to beat the boss of the level without crazy luck...

What is the strategy to this level? beat the enemies with items and use those items? Tried that, but then I get swarmed by the enemy and just die before I can use the item...

Thoughts??? (I'm on casual/normal and I've beaten all 3 paths with ease on this difficulty)

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Hidden Truths 2 was really the one that gave me trouble, honestly! For the first Hidden Truths, I clumped them together, and made sure they paired up with each other almost every turn. Also, they are equipped with Vulneraries and Concoctions among other items that can heal them each turn, so you might have to forfeit a turn to heal. Also, I believe on the map, enemies drop items that help with your Units' stats, such as a HP Tonic or a Speedwing. Use these to gain an edge in the fight.

I also personally found it useful to track the enemies range with the X button, so I could easily heal up a turn in safety. I also didn't head straight for the boss, I stayed relatively near the spawn point and slowly made it to the boss. Eventually, the enemies DO stop responding. I hope this helps! :)

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Hidden Truths 2 was really the one that gave me trouble, honestly! For the first Hidden Truths, I clumped them together, and made sure they paired up with each other almost every turn. Also, they are equipped with Vulneraries and Concoctions among other items that can heal them each turn, so you might have to forfeit a turn to heal. Also, I believe on the map, enemies drop items that help with your Units' stats, such as a HP Tonic or a Speedwing. Use these to gain an edge in the fight.

I also personally found it useful to track the enemies range with the X button, so I could easily heal up a turn in safety. I also didn't head straight for the boss, I stayed relatively near the spawn point and slowly made it to the boss. Eventually, the enemies DO stop responding. I hope this helps! :)

It does, I guess I just need to be lucky haha.

When you say that you pair them up, do you actually pair up two of the units, or just keep them next to each other for support?

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Is this Hidden Truths 1?

For hidden truths 1 I use this setup:


Except Owain has the Levin sword equipped at all times.

I kept them this way and only healed when I absolutely had to. When the dark mages arrive you trade the Umbrella to Severa and move her above Owain.

You keep this way until there's only 1 dark mage left, then you move Severa back.

After that it's pretty simple to keep them alive.[keep her on the umbrella after you switch to armor slayer to take the great knight and co. out]

Edited by Lemui
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It does, I guess I just need to be lucky haha.

When you say that you pair them up, do you actually pair up two of the units, or just keep them next to each other for support?

Oh, I placed them next to each other. I didn't really pair up since you only get three units.

^Not a bad idea to try Lemui's method. I was able to beat it just with clumping them up, but there is always more ways to clear a map in FE.

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Are you properly using the Pairing system? Pretty much what decides most of the map is the first turn.

First turn:

  • I moved Inigo to pair up with Owain, and talked to both Severa and Owain
  • There's an area on the western part of the map that acts like a little bridge; block it
  • Have Owain equip the Levin Sword, and then use the Spirit Dust.
  • Move Severa beside Owain/Inigo, and trade with Inigo. You want to grab the Steel Sword and the Umbrella. Make sure to equip the Steel Sword; Silver sword after continuous use is going to lower your stats significantly.

In case that confused you, here is a poorly done picture of the first turn that I quickly made using paint:


After that, just end turn, and let the enemies come to you. Position accordingly once the enemies on the west side has been defeated, and use the little puddle on the southern side to deal with enemies.

Other tips:

  • Block the southern area with a unit; it's between the body of water that you positioned yourself the first time around, and a three-unit wide puddle.
  • Use your slayers accordingly. For the most part, when dealing with the armored units, Levin sword Owain makes it easy, and if they're not dead, have Severa paired (attack stance) with Owain and finish it off with the Armorslayer.
  • Mages have Owain deal with them. When they come, have Severa use the Umbrella; that way, when mages attack her, she attacks back.
  • Use Concoctions when needed. Use stat boost items if you're not going to attack or heal.
  • When dealing with Sumeragi, Levin Sword him. If Severa is alive at this point (which for the most part, she should be unless Sumeragi killed her), she can use her Silver Sword at this point.
    • Deal with the healer as fast as possible if you can. The last thing that you want is to let it heal Sumeragi.

Annnnddd that's the gist of it.

EDIT: Jeez, I did this too slow and image is tiny unless you click on it. OTL But Lemui's image is clearer for where I put my units.

Edited by AquaMagicks
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