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You need to edit the list of classes the Knight Crest uses. There should be a promotion item editor nmm where you can create a custom promotion list. Take the pointer from that and replace the existing Knight Crest pointer with it.

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I got one of the Nightmare Modules (NMM) that you'll need mixed up earlier, but that's okay. Time for pictures!

You'll need 2 NMMs:

- Custom Promotion Pointer Editor

- Promotion Item Editor

Boot up the Custom Promotion Pointer Editor.

It contains several entries that allow you to create a custom list of classes that a promotion item will use.

Let's put all the vanilla classes from the Knight Crest in, plus the Solider.


Okay, cool. Make sure your list ends with 0x00 because that acts as a sort of "end of list" flag.
See the address I have boxed in red? That's the pointer we'll need to give the Knight Crest.

Open the Promotion Item Editor and go to the Knight Crest.


There should be a dropdown. From the dropdown, select the pointer that we used, apply the change, and save.

Sweet, now the Knight Crest uses the pointer to our custom list of classes. If, for some reason, you have just a text

box instead of a dropdown, type in the address instead. Happy promoting.

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