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Super Robot Wars RP Interest check

Nanami Touko

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Hey so

I was running Masquerade and I really didn't like the way I was doing it

The RPers in it already know that I'm shutting it down, but I'd like to try something else in its place.

Something I'm going to take more than one evening writing out

but for now!

My friend Xinnidy (of SF forums popularity) has helped be design some mechanics that I'd like to run people through

or at least those interested!


If you're interested in signing up a new pilot to hop into a mobile suit and shoot up some people and aliens! Apply here! I'm looking to get about 6-7 people for the mechanics test map, so please follow the instructions that I will outline and post your application.

[spoiler=Pilot Stats!]

Each pilot has 6 stats!

Melee: This stat grants the pilot better familiarity with melee weapons their robot wields. Added to weapon power. More melee stat = more crit chance.

Shooting: This stat grants the pilot better familiarity with ranged weapons their robot wields. Added to weapon power. More shooting stat = more crit chance.

Defense: This stat makes your robot's armor stronger, added as as percentage to the stat. Higher defense means higher base armor.

Skill: This stat determines the pilot's ability to score critical strikes against enemy robots. Higher skill means more crit chance, and stronger crits.

Accuracy: This stat is added to your robot's innate weapon hit rates. Having higher accuracy confers bonus hit.

Avoid: This stat is added to your robot's innate mobility. Having higher avoid confers bonus mobility.

Stats will effect your robots, their weapons, your ability to hit and which weapons you are more proficient in. I would suggest choosing a specialty and building around it~

Along side stats we will have!


The Hero! Leads the party and tends to be hot blooded. Limit 1

The Sidekick! Stars alongside the hero, tending to offset their lacking traits. Limit 1

The Ace! A brilliant pilot that tends to act cocky or like they're better than the others. Limit 1

The Plucky Go-Getter! Always trying to cheer people up and keep the mood up. Limit 2

The Quiet One! Either really calm or simply deranged, they hide their emotions behind a blank face. Limit 1

The Hot Head! Loud and always trying to get their way, but damn strong in a fight. Limit 2

The Gifted Young One! Bio-engineered by the latest medicine and tech, or simply gifted to be quite the pilot at a young age. Limit 2

The Lofty Dreamer! Always one step behind everyone else, but trying their hardest despite all the trials! Limit 1

Archetypes will be used to determine your starting spirits, will gains (a number that will be explained, if people don't know what it is, from SRW), starting skills, and if you wish, you can plan your character around the archetype. BUT, a character does not have to fit the archetype to take it! While I will be using them somewhat as role placers (if someone wants the hero, they will probably be the main character), your character does not have to fit like a glove into the definition. Be creative~

What I need from all those interested is a character as follows:




Archetype (choose your top 3):








Each character has 40 points to distribute among their base stats, no stat can go above 10, and no stat can go lower than 5.

Here's an example to get people rolling:

Name: Christina Allelujah

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Archetype: Ace, Hot Head, Lofty Dreamer


Melee: 7

Shooting: 10

Defense: 5

Skill: 6

Accuracy: 7

Avoid: 5

Once I have the 6-7 that I need, I will introduce you all to your spirits, skills, will gains, EXPLAIN ALL THOSE THINGS~, and then sign you all up with some robots for a rest scenario so we can run through the mechanics. This is gonna be fun, promise!

Once we run a test map, I'm going to take at least a month to devise a proper storyline for this whole thing, so bear with me and keep this in the back of your minds.

Edited by Melissa
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Name: Louise Fontaine

Gender: F

Age: 19

Archetype (choose your top 3): Ace, Hot Head, Sidekick


Melee: 5

Shooting: 10

Defense: 5

Skill: 5

Accuracy: 10

Avoid: 5

Edited by Satin. Dark Lord of Fabric
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To be clear, these sign ups in specific are for a gameplay test run. (Akin to the FF thread if you're following that) So don't worry too much about character creation, backstory-wise. o7

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Name: Abigail Sangrey

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Archetype: The Hero, Hot Head, Plucky Go-Getter


Melee: 10

Shooting: 5

Defense: 10

Skill: 5

Accuracy: 5

Avoid: 5

Edited by Oersted
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I'm going to assume SRW = Super Robot Wars. I'm not familiar with the series, but I can derive enough from the title. I like to see stat systems, so I'll help test.

Name: Bobby

Gender: M

Age: 21

Archetype (choose your top 3): Go-getter, Hot Head, Sidekick


Melee: 10

Shooting: 5

Defense: 8

Skill: 6

Accuracy: 6

Avoid: 5

Edited by Toogee
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Name: Theron Stewart

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Archetype (choose your top 3): The Quite One, The Sidekick, The Gifted Young One


Melee: 5

Shooting: 10

Defense: 5

Skill: 7

Accuracy: 8

Avoid: 5

Edited by Phoenix
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If this works I'd be interested upon 'release'.

Then throw some numbers at me to help out~

There's no harm in trying something out, and you're not forced to join if you participate in the test

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Name: Nikolai Zelenko

Gender: M

Age: 19

Archetype: The Quiet One/ The Ace/ The Young Gifted One ->(Listen I am gonna play a jerkass and I will play them WELL)


Melee: 9

Shooting: 8

Defense: 5

Skill: 7

Accuracy: 6

Avoid: 5

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H'okay that was fast

I have SIX atm but I'm willing to take up to EIGHT so I'll let this go for a bit

Test map will not happen tonight, either way, so expect something either Sunday or Tuesday next week.

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Wait... a SRW-inspired RP...?


Name: Archibald Erickson

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Archetype (choose your top 3): Quiet One, Gifted Young-One, Sidekick


Melee: 9

Shooting: 5

Defense: 7

Skill: 7

Accuracy: 7

Avoid: 5

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If ever you need a spare that doesn't talk much, lemme know. Kinda short on time for the forseeable future, though.

Meredith shall be missed.

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Name : Palamedes of Babylon

Gender : Male

Age : 27

Archetypes : The Ace, The Sidekick, The Quiet one.


Melee: 5

Shooting: 8

Defense: 5

Skill: 7

Accuracy: 7

Avoid: 8

Edited by Izhuark
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Name: Mickey Goodman

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Archtype: The Plucky Go-Getter, The Dreamer, The Gifted Young One


Melee: 9

Shooting: 5

Defense: 8

Skill: 5

Accuracy: 6

Avoid: 7

Edited by SB.
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Wao that's a lot more than I thought I'd get

I'ma go with:

Satin (Ace)
Oersted (Hot Head)
Toogee (Go-Getter)
Scorri (Dreamer)
Phoenix (Side kick)
The trash man (Quiet one)
SB (Go-Getter)
Balcerzak (Hero)

for the test map

I should have the map and the mechanics up later today, and if not today, then tomorrow

Should be fairly easy to follow if you've played SRW at all, and if not, I'll be happy to explain any mechanics people don't quite understand.

Should be fuuuuuuuuuuun.


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So since this is meant to test the system, and me and Phoenix both had the same initial build, I'm switching mine up a bit to see how it fares. Specifically, I have dropped all stats that aren't Shooting or Accuracy to 5, and maxed those two at 10. LET'S TEST

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