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What is the mathematical formula that determines how much experience I will get for KOing an enemy in terms of my level versus their level?


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It's roughly as follows:

-You get 30 exp for killing an enemy of the same level.

-If you're higher levelled, you get about 6 exp less for every level above the enemy you are. This isn't exact, the progression includes some odd numbers for some reason. I've seen them all listed before but I don't have them memorised, sorry.

-If you're lower levelled than your enemy, you get about 10 more exp for every 3 levels lower you are. Again not exact, I haven't tried to figure out the exact rounding.

-Promoted classes count as displayed Level + 20.

-Jakob and Felicia count as 20 levels lower than their listed level.

-Gunter counts as 15 levels lower than his listed level.

-Camilla and Reina count as 5 levels lower than their listed level.

-Leo counts as 2 levels lower than their listed level.

-I've read that if you promote people before 20, they will count as 1 level lower than their listed level for every 2 levels earlier than 20 that you promote them, i.e. promoting a unit at 16 causes them to gain exp like Leo and promoting someone at 10 causes them to gain exp like Camilla/Reina. (There's no way to recreate the behaviour of Corrin's retinue exp-wise.)

I've only ever played Hard Mode, not sure if other difficulties change this.

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