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So I should probably do this thing...


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Hi! I filled out the little thing, earlier, to sort of introduce myself, but I didn't really... properly do the introduction thing. So I've been on the forum a couple of days already, getting a feel for things and chiming in here and there.

I'm AnnetheCatDetective most places, or CatDetective in places where there are character limits... though a couple places I've been on I have other handles. But anyway, at least on steam and tumblr you can find me as AnnetheCatDetective.

My non-FE special interests include: Pacific Rim, cats (natch), Star Trek, space stuff in general, a bunch of rotating fandoms... TF2, though I don't really play it nowadays and haven't been active in the fandom for a long time, I met a few good friends through it and enjoy the comics when they come out. Non-FE favorite games include Civ V, Rune Factory Frontier, and a variety of mostly-RPGs (the Suikoden series I was quite into and I was obsessed with Rogue Galaxy for a while... and more recently, DA Inquisition). Oh, and Katamari Damacy.

I also love and collect tabletop RPGs, board games, and various toys. I'm an artist, and I particularly enjoy working in watercolors, though I like several media. Right now I live in the central valley of California, though sometime in the next few months I'll be moving up to Oregon to be nearer to family (especially a six-year-old cousin, as I want to be there for his big moments).

My first FE game was Path of Radiance, I got super into it but was never able to get my hands on a copy of Radiant Dawn (currently watching a Let's Play of PoR as a refresher course before watching the RD LP so I can finally see the end of the Tellius story).

And... I don't really know what else to say about myself, but I mean, I'll answer questions, generally, if I've forgotten something important.

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