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Who is the bigger jerk, Jakob or Azama?

Odin Dark

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Jakob is a terrible father, no wonder why his son is emo. At least Azama has patience with his daughter. Dwyer works hard all the time compared to Mitama who spends most of her time on Snapchat.

In conclusion,

Mitama= Female DJ Khaled minus McDonald's

Jakob= Virion in disguise.

Azama= Super Saiyan Brock

Dwyer= L from Death Note

Edited by Smog
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Honestly, I just find Azama annoying. Poking fun towards others occasionally is one thing, but going out of your way to be a **** towards your friends and allies so often you get a reputation for it is just being a jerk.

Plus, he was mean to Sakura. That in itself is worthy of the "FE's Biggest Jerk" reward.

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To be honest, both characters are fairly similar. While Azama was a huge jerk to Sakura, he does try to help certain other characters by pointing out what they need to improve on. For example, Azama x Felicia. In Jakob's case, his harsh parenting and, as someone mentioned earlier, huge workload tends make him overly critical and irritable. While he does respect the avatar and certain other people, he has been unreasonably harsh, especially in his first line towards Gunter in Revelations. ("Can you please return the time I wasted grieving for you?")

I think it really boils down to why each person is such a jerk. Jakob usually has an excuse. Azama really doesn't, aside from when he "helps."

So, I vote for Azama.

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Another way to think about it is if you had M! Kamui then Jakab and his master would fit in this role almost 'perfectly'. M! Kamui is Ike and Jakob is Soren. The former comparison can be questionable but the latter has some very similar traits. Like Soren, Jakob is very loyal to his master/best friend who showed him respect and honor when everyone else shunned him and insulted him. Because of these treatments in his past, Jakob only and for most of the time, only show kindness to Kamui just like how Soren will give his full attention and respect to Ike while he is harsh and blunt to everyone else (most of the time). Deep down both Soren and Jakob are kind individuals but due to past trauma, they are only able to show it to their lord/best friend for a long time. Soren is usually stuck as the army tactician and mastermind and therefore is busy planning out everything that his allies would most likely fail to think of so he has little time to help others and would rather be alone to work. Likewise Jakob being both a servant and butler to Kamui is also stuck with a workload of assisting his master and performing his regular duties, interrupting him would naturally lead to a scolding from someone who has no interest in being spoken to until he is finished with all his tasks or unless he was willing to chat.

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I find it interesting that they both have kids who are kind of jerks but are too lazy to actually commit to being jerks.

I vote for Jakob. Only because I don't like the way he's nice around Corrin but mean behind his back. Azama at least is honest around Hinoka.

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I find it interesting that they both have kids who are kind of jerks but are too lazy to actually commit to being jerks.

I vote for Jakob. Only because I don't like the way he's nice around Corrin but mean behind his back. Azama at least is honest around Hinoka.

Being honest around one person doesn't make either of them better than the other since Jakob is nice and honest around Kamui while Azama will mainly be so to Hinoka, the statement becomes pointless since that gets nowhere in the longer run. Jakob is harsh and honest, if he doesn't want others around him, he'll speak to them in a harsh tone so they will leave him alone and he'll do so. If you try to get into his skin by interrupting him or messing up his daily routine, he has a right to be cranky. Azama is about on the other end of the spectrum. He's more polite by appearance compared to Jakob's strict attitude but if acting and pointing out someone's flaws and trying to make a joke about it when the person he's speaking to obviously has no desire to remember those painful memories is of any indication, that's being more than a straight jerk. While Azama is more likely going to point out one's flaws, it's their personal mistakes but does he really offer advice on how to overcome those flaws without making a very joke out of it which ends up making it look like a joke and something not serious? While it has been discussed that Azama mostly speaks like this to try to make others smile, it sometimes comes out the wrong way with others. Jakob will often point out the flaws of someone but be honest (and harsh if needed/unneeded) if he knows how hard and nearly impossible it will be to complete which also causes issues depending on who he's talking to.

As for Mitama and Dwyer.

*Dwyer suffers from a personal issue where his father (who suffered from being harassed and insulted at a very young age) doesn't help him much. Dwyer sees his father as someone to surpass someday and he will work to do so. While he knows his father is still better than him, that doesn't really deter Dwyer from working his hardest. One of the possible reasons Jakob was so harsh yet honest with his son about the condition after the chapter is that Dwyer needs to stand up as a person who others can rely on instead of staying away and not showing leadership.

*Mitama surprisingly is lazy but not completely so, reading and writing if by her hobbies outside of sleeping are an indication that she is still intelligent. However, being lazy like that unfortunately almost resulted with her being 'killed' in her paralogue had it not been for Azama (one way or another) arriving with the team and getting her up out of bed. After battle, she wants to sleep as she got dragged out of bed to which, Azama denies her that right at the moment. It's also one of the unique cases that Azama sticks out compared to the other fathers as he literally forces his daughter to join. One of the only other parents who forces their child to join is Niles but that is mostly to keep Nina under control and away from danger due to her hobby of 'stealing' from others.

Edited by Emblem Blade
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