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So about Fates save data works...


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Hi there I'm new to the thread here, if I did anything wrong I apologise for that (Also excuse my bad English lol...)
But yeah anyway, so I got a physical copy of Conquest and Birthright DLC.

From there, I happened to saved my last progresses on the 3 extra slots after I got from the DLC.

Due to technical issues, my 3DS had to be sent away for repairment and found out it was formatted when it was returned.

So yeah... Now my Birthright DLC is gone so is my extra 3 save data....

If I were to redownload the DLC, would the data I saved in those slots return? OTL;;; Or would I ended up having an empty ones instead?

(Doesn't help the fact that I still had to call Nintendo so I can link my NNID back...)

I'm just not sure how Fates save files storing works.... =__=;;

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I... am sorry, but since the extra saves are stored in your 3ds memory, not on the nintendo server nor DLC so it's now gone.

Edited: I'm sorry, didn't see @shadowofchaos' before hitting the post button >_<

Edited by Rin
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*Sighs* I just wished they would at least warned me about them going to format the save data beforehand... (I know it should go without saying for some, so it's partly my fault for being stupid.)

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It's really a shame. I don't know why Nintendo uses the Byzantine method of tying all the save data to the 3DS and giving no way of backing it up. Literally every other modern gaming system lets you back up data. It was even better in older generations, since you could save it on a memory card and switch it to other physical CDs and systems.

I love Nintendo, but their business practices are baffling sometimes.

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Yeah it's gone if it was formatted. Unless you backed up the SD card beforehand.

Speaking of data saved on the SD card, if I get a save dongle, will I only be able to access the 3 saves on the cart, or all 9? I'm thinking of getting one to back up some saves since I have the SE and can't do the on-sd backup thing like I can with my copy of awakening.

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