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Hi for the 3rd or 4th time!


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Hey all! About once a year or so I make a new account and try to get into the community, but this time I'm determined to stick around! I'm Jesse, and I've been a fan of the series for a long time. Recently I decided to do Let's Plays of some of the older (first, and currently, Rekka No Ken (FE7)) Fire Emblem games, which is encouraging me to get more involved in the community, as I simply enjoy the game and discussing it.

I'm 22 and married, just adopted a cat, and have lived in 3 places over 1000 miles from eachother in the past 3 years. I love basketball (GO TIMBERPUPS) and am involved in automotive sports/racing of sorts. I'm trying to learn how to draw again as well. I've always been good, but never taken the time to REALLY learn how to draw. I'd like to, some day, be able to make my own comic.

I'm currently finishing up the last week of my Junior year in college studying biology. The original plan was to become a physical therapist, but it's a bit competitive, and I may need a backup plan. My wife is currently going to grad school to get her PhD in biomedical engineering.

Fire Emblem first captured my attention with Radiant Dawn. I'm not the type of person to replay games, but I played it many times over. Since then I've been a fan.

That's about it for me. Here's to me sticking around this time. CHEERS :Lyn:

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Welcome to our community, NoDakSmack!

Aside from Fire Emblem, what other games do you enjoy?

I'm currently playing modded Skyrim, Smite, Rainbow Siege 6 (although I'm not great), Minecraft, Dungeon of the Endless, Endless Legend. I haven't been playing them lately, but I enjoy Zelda, Smash.

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