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Did I just screw myself out of recruiting Asugi? (Avoiding Grinding)


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So started my Lunatic runs, first with Birthright.

Have only been challenged in chapter 4, 5, and 14. Just finished Chapter 20 and have held off from recruiting Asugi and Selkie so that I can get them at 20/5 after using the child seal.

This is my first time recruiting Asugi so I was unprepared for all these Lv. 20/6 units.

Farthest I've gotten is using the second Dragon Vein, but always lose someone by this point. I have a small team and I am avoid all siblings/royals (minus Sakura) so I am limited with how much I can kill per turn. I'm using Ryoma this chapter to use the Dragon Veins so the others can get maximum turn usage. I guess another problem is Orobo and Saizo are my only tanky units (Orobo with 20 res and 30 Def with Guard Naginata and Sazio with 21 Def & Res) where everyone else has lop sided defenses. Another thing I am worried about is if Asugi gets attacked after opening third door or not (I've only gotten far enough that he's a turn away from opening it).

Anyways here's the team:

Corrin Lv 7 Noble x Orobo Lv 6 Spear Master

Saizo Lv 26 Dread Fighter x Orochi Lv 6 Onmyoji

Kaden Lv 6 Nine-Tails x Mozu Lv 6 Sniper

Sakura Lv 5 Priestess x Hayato Lv 14 Diviner (he's just a pair-up bot).

Azura Lv 27 Songstress

I'm avoiding Grinding (minus some weapon rank ups after using heart seals) and don't have the exp dlc anyways.

I'm considering doing Selkie's instead first to get a few more lvs plus another unit but I haven't recruited her ever either...is her chapter just as hard?

Have I screwed myself?

Edited by crazy_man
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To put it bluntly: Waiting until the enemies promote to recruit the children is a terrible, terrible idea, and the Offspring Seal ain't worth it. ESPECIALLY if the child in question is Mitama, Selkie, Shiro, or Ignatius (that last one ain't relevant in Birthright, but still).

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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In my hard runs, even in Conquest, I had no problem recruiting them at Chapter 20. Looks like I never recruited any of the harder child recruits then....

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In my hard runs, even in Conquest, I had no problem recruiting them at Chapter 20. Looks like I never recruited any of the harder child recruits then...

Personally, I think most all the children's paralogues become gross as fuck after chapter 18, with the four I mentioned being among the worst of the worst...

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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git gud

Most Birthright paralogues are pretty easy even late-and if you actually look at enemy movement ranges around Selkie, they are fixed position and do not move. I was also able to pair a flier on to her turn 1, swap, and fly her out anyway.

Conquest I had some trouble with Percy, Sieg, and Ignatius for lategame recruits, but otherwise they're alright.

More on topic: If you go for a more hyperoffensive approach, would that be possible with your team?I can't say if it's possible or not because I don't have your team on hand, but I never had much trouble with Asugis because I just focused on killing as fast as possible. If Hayato's a pairup bot, I'd switch him with Reina for the chapter to give more movement to Sakura. If you have the room, it might also help to deploy someone who can improve Azura's movement too. Also note that Scarlet gives excellent pairup bonuses and +1 mov, even if you're not using her actively. Her bases are also really solid and she has 8 mov herself.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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^For Selkie, it's more the other guys whose heads I have to bash in (aka, the dudes who aggro) before I can get to her I'm worried about - who's to say they won't kill her if she leaves herself open to them? Also, fuck Master Ninjas.

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like i said

git gud

she's so easily accessible turn 1, it's not like Shiro where you have to pull some galeforce bullshit to get him if you don't have rescue staves

get better with positioning and guard stance/swaps

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I usually beat it before turn 6 so he's definitely safe until then at least-- I can't say now much more he has then since I don't have it open on me, but if you aim for 6-7 I think he'll be okay.

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So started my Lunatic runs, first with Birthright.

Have only been challenged in chapter 4, 5, and 14. Just finished Chapter 20 and have held off from recruiting Asugi and Selkie so that I can get them at 20/5 after using the child seal.

This is my first time recruiting Asugi so I was unprepared for all these Lv. 20/6 units.

Farthest I've gotten is using the second Dragon Vein, but always lose someone by this point. I have a small team and I am avoid all siblings/royals (minus Sakura) so I am limited with how much I can kill per turn. I'm using Ryoma this chapter to use the Dragon Veins so the others can get maximum turn usage. I guess another problem is Orobo and Saizo are my only tanky units (Orobo with 20 res and 30 Def with Guard Naginata and Sazio with 21 Def & Res) where everyone else has lop sided defenses. Another thing I am worried about is if Asugi gets attacked after opening third door or not (I've only gotten far enough that he's a turn away from opening it).

Anyways here's the team:

Corrin Lv 7 Noble x Orobo Lv 6 Spear Master

Saizo Lv 26 Dread Fighter x Orochi Lv 6 Onmyoji

Kaden Lv 6 Nine-Tails x Mozu Lv 6 Sniper

Sakura Lv 5 Priestess x Hayato Lv 14 Diviner (he's just a pair-up bot).

Azura Lv 27 Songstress

I'm avoiding Grinding (minus some weapon rank ups after using heart seals) and don't have the exp dlc anyways.

I'm considering doing Selkie's instead first to get a few more lvs plus another unit but I haven't recruited her ever either...is her chapter just as hard?

Have I screwed myself?

Personal opinion drop Orochi and make Sakura a onmyoji. Use literally anyone.

And your question, yes do Selkies first and you have not screwed yourself, imo.

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wait people had trouble with Selkie's Paralouge?

she didn't even fuckin need my help man she just solo'd most of the enemies on her own. The reason I wanted to get to her fast on my playthrough is because I needed the lil' shit to stop stealing my EXP.

Then again I did it before the enemies promoted and only on hard so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.

to the topic at hand, Selkie's paralouge gave me no issues since Selkie solo'd the enemies on her own, although you may have to rush before she gets to the boss.

doing Asugi's you have to take your time. I know Asugi's escape may seem a bit threating but he takes like 10 years to actually get to the escape point. Your given 6 turns before he actually has to fight somebody and I'm pretty sure of the two he has to fight one of them is a fucking mage (which lol ninja vs. mage) and the other is an axe user but I may be wrong on that.

edit: If you want true pain try doing Kana/Dwyer's Paralouges when your only on Chapter 8 birthright.

Edited by Soapbar
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Since Asugi is a running other NPC, wouldn't any enemy who he's within range of try to attack him? He can probably get around safe for 4-6 turns before he runs into enemies (even with 6 mov he won't be in enemy territory for at least 5 turns starting on his first turn to move) who can possibly OTKO him if they can double him. I didn't even Galeforce his chapter, I just rushed all my units into enemy territory and it went ok, even when I did his Paralogue after Chapter 19. Silas was broken as the Heroes and Sorcerers barely did anything to him meaning that those Berserkers were my only issue (which he 2-3 HKO'd each). Saizo was also powerful as an Elite Ninja (anything not named a General went down in two hits at most since he kept critting enemies), I only had to fear those Bows coming from the enemies in his case. Promptly said, Asugi's chapter isn't that bad compared to the other children, you just need to remain on the move to avoid being behind his running.

Selkie's chapter is simple, she can KO the enemies in her area bar the boss with ease (or even KO the boss with little trouble if you gave her the right inherited skills).

*Just have Takumi (with Fujin Yumi equipped) pair up with Kaden with Takumi as the lead and start running over the terrain to reach her. If at all non-flyer Takumi (with Fujin Yumi equipped) with Pass (since you're going to get swarmed as a Sniper), Mov+1 (7 mov helps you get to your destination closer) and Renewal (you recover ~12-22 HP without potions at the start of your turn) can carry Kaden to Selkie with ease.

*Flyers are very useful for reaching her in less than 5 turns if they have Galeforce.

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doing Asugi's you have to take your time. I know Asugi's escape may seem a bit threating but he takes like 10 years to actually get to the escape point. Your given 6 turns before he actually has to fight somebody and I'm pretty sure of the two he has to fight one of them is a fucking mage (which lol ninja vs. mage) and the other is an axe user but I may be wrong on that.

On Lunatic its a Lv 6 Berserker and Adventurer with Silver Weapons.....

Asugi is a lv 20 ninja..... : /

Man I really screwed this up...least I am doing Selkie's with no problems atm.


My Saizo is actually a Dread Fighter, and I think he's getting speed screwed...its only at 19(23 when paired up with Orochi).....Asugi has better speed at 21, hell my Orochi is speed blessed and is at 17(20 when paired up). Mozu and Kaden are my powerhouses atm (or if Rend Heaven or Dragon Fang proc for Orobo or Corrin (who is +Skill so alot) respectively).

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On Lunatic its a Lv 6 Berserker and Adventurer with Silver Weapons.....

Asugi is a lv 20 ninja..... : /

Man I really screwed this up...least I am doing Selkie's with no problems atm.


My Saizo is actually a Dread Fighter, and I think he's getting speed screwed...its only at 19(23 when paired up with Orochi).....Asugi has better speed at 21, hell my Orochi is speed blessed and is at 17(20 when paired up). Mozu and Kaden are my powerhouses atm (or if Rend Heaven or Dragon Fang proc for Orobo or Corrin (who is +Skill so alot) respectively).

Dragon Fang on non-Kamui and non-Kamui children... '-_-'

What story chapter are you currently stopped at in your BR gameplay on your Lunatic run?

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I meant Orobo with ONLY Rend Heaven and Corrin with ONLY Dragon Fang. No hacks here.

I have completed up to chapter 20.

However, I did just finished Selkie's chapter and everyone gained 1-3 levels, and Selkie is a beast stat-wise (plus inherited Rend Heaven and Aptitude).

Hopefully Asugi's chapter goes better now.

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I meant Orobo with ONLY Rend Heaven and Corrin with ONLY Dragon Fang. No hacks here.

I have completed up to chapter 20.

However, I did just finished Selkie's chapter and everyone gained 1-3 levels, and Selkie is a beast stat-wise (plus inherited Rend Heaven and Aptitude).

Hopefully Asugi's chapter goes better now.

Well, your statement said 'Oboro and Corrin (if Rend Heaven and Dragon Fang activate)', so it looked like both of them had those skills equipped.

Asugi's chapter in BR is still simple, if you're able to use every unit you have at your disposal when choosing who to use without limiting yourself. I just let my enemies fight Silas and Siazo (on my files) when they are paired-up with other units and things go smooth (my M! Kamui didn't really do much but heal other units), I just had to remember who I was going to use to KO the boss (since defeating the boss also ends the chapter as a success.)

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Woooo boy that was tense.

Got it done by turn 7. I'm guessing if I hadn't aggroed the boss on turn 6 then the units near Asugi would have murdered him (they instead started heading in my direction).

Selkie was the exact edge I needed (Rend Heaven for days!).

Welp now to pair Selkie with Asugi and continue with chapter 21, probably won't see another challenge until Chapter 24.

Thanks for all the advice peeps!

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like i said

git gud

she's so easily accessible turn 1, it's not like Shiro where you have to pull some galeforce bullshit to get him if you don't have rescue staves

get better with positioning and guard stance/swaps

It may not be Shiro-level bad, but that doesn't mean it doesn't suck to do late. Also, I've already decided that waiting until the children came with Offspring Seals is a mistake I'm never making ever again.

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Speak for yourself. Don't generalize your own lack of skill and discourage others with it. I can't tell you what to do in your own game but some of your advice are really misinformed.

By that same merit, don't think that your personal skill means that everyone else's experience will be like yours. It's factually too difficult for some people. I waited for the Offspring Seal and the first time I played Kana's paralogue I got routed. On Normal/Casual. It's not easy to everyone and if TC doesn't think it's easy, that doesn't mean they need to "git gud"

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By that same merit, don't think that your personal skill means that everyone else's experience will be like yours. It's factually too difficult for some people. I waited for the Offspring Seal and the first time I played Kana's paralogue I got routed. On Normal/Casual. It's not easy to everyone and if TC doesn't think it's easy, that doesn't mean they need to "git gud"

TC does not need to git gud. Levant does. This is beef between me and him. There's nothing wrong with asking for advice. There's everything wrong with giving the wrong advice.

If you want advice on how to not get routed, I'd be happy to give it to you. I have given my less skilled friends turn-by-turn synopses if it helps them through whatever they need to do (including getting a complete new player through FEA Lunatic Prologue). However, I don't appreciate people telling others "don't do x" just because they themselves can't pull it off. If you can't do x, don't give advice on x.

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TC does not need to git gud. Levant does. This is beef between me and him. There's nothing wrong with asking for advice. There's everything wrong with giving the wrong advice.

If you want advice on how to not get routed, I'd be happy to give it to you. I have given my less skilled friends turn-by-turn synopses if it helps them through whatever they need to do (including getting a complete new player through FEA Lunatic Prologue). However, I don't appreciate people telling others "don't do x" just because they themselves can't pull it off. If you can't do x, don't give advice on x.

Speak for yourself. Don't generalize your own lack of skill and discourage others with it. I can't tell you what to do in your own game but some of your advice are really misinformed.

By my standards, what you're doing is no better - I might argue it's even worse.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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