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How do we get our ideas across


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Hello, I am a big Fire Emblem fan. I have played these games since I was very young - one of my earliest and fondest memories was yelling with my brother from Heath continuously dying on us in Fire Emblem 7. My question for this community is do we have a way to get our ideas out to those that create these games? Is there a way in which we can as a collective unit tell them what we want from the franchise in the future, and if not, how can we make one? I look forward to hearing from you all.

p.s. I am new to this place so if this is already a topic just let me know.

p.p.s. feel free to post any ideas that you do have here as well!

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"How can I submit my game idea?"

"Nintendo has some of the most devoted, enthusiastic fans of any game developer. Each week, we receive hundreds of questions and suggestions about our games and systems. While we would love to use ideas from fans to develop actual products, due to the volume of requests we receive and the resources it would take to process them, we do not accept unsolicited game or product ideas. As a company committed to being on the leading edge of game and hardware development, though, you can be sure that we are constantly at work developing new and exciting product and game ideas."


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Dear Nintendo

Remake The Binding Blade, Fire the FE13/14 character designer, and stop turning FE into a waifu simulator

From Glac

PS This is a serious request.

Either way, that's all I ask at this point. >~>

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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I think posting and discussing here and elsewhere on the internet is the best we can do. I mean, even with how successful Awakening was they still heard the criticism and took steps to improve on those areas. Hopefully they'll keep listening.

Filling in surveys from Nintendo is also good, if you come across one. They usually have a section where they ask for comments.

Btw, welcome!

Edited by Book Bro
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Honestly you just have to hope and pray the JP fandom feels the same way that you do (which they generally do, from what I've seen). IntSys doesn't seem to care very much for what the international fandom wants considering that we never get any sort of actual character polls or surveys about what we like about the characters, etc. NoA and the localization team seems to listen to the international concerns/reactions to things already in the JP version, but other than that idk. We're not really IntSys's primary audience, unfortunately.

I think the surveys might help a little bit, and maybe trying to connect with the JP fandom might help a bit, but yeah. They are listening and improving, just not necessarily to us.

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