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I'm going to a dance.


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With regards to cologne/aftershave/deodorant.

Regardless of anything, for any gender, nobody within 2 feet of you should be able to tell which smell you're wearing. If not wearing cologne or other fancy smell, you should not smell.

In terms of deodorant I generally find that snap taps into the armpits are plenty.

If you're going to wear cologne to prom or a date in general: only use scents you're familiar with and have used before. Colognes are meant to mix with your natural body odors, the worst combination of person and scent I came across had him smelling like poop.

Secondly how much you spray (and where) is important. Again, if people can tell the scent you're wearing, you used too much. For cologne, general rule is one tap into the chest. If the smell is still too strong you can spray from farther away, or spray away from you and then walk into the vapors. DONT spray it into your armpits, your back or your crotch. I've always found this plenty, but some people also spray and rub it on their wrists. If you want to know if you're wearing too much, ask your mom.

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With regards to cologne/aftershave/deodorant.

Regardless of anything, for any gender, nobody within 2 feet of you should be able to tell which smell you're wearing. If not wearing cologne or other fancy smell, you should not smell.

In terms of deodorant I generally find that snap taps into the armpits are plenty.

If you're going to wear cologne to prom or a date in general: only use scents you're familiar with and have used before. Colognes are meant to mix with your natural body odors, the worst combination of person and scent I came across had him smelling like poop.

Secondly how much you spray (and where) is important. Again, if people can tell the scent you're wearing, you used too much. For cologne, general rule is one tap into the chest. If the smell is still too strong you can spray from farther away, or spray away from you and then walk into the vapors. DONT spray it into your armpits, your back or your crotch. I've always found this plenty, but some people also spray and rub it on their wrists. If you want to know if you're wearing too much, ask your mom.

If you don't wear cologne regularly, I say just skip it. Often, people appreciate your natural smell if they're into you.

I almost never wear any fragrances. Oddly enough, the times I get compliments on my smell is when I haven't showered for a few days. One time, when I was in France, a random girl took a deep whiff of me and told me I smelled good.

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Well I normally wear cologne that a lot of people think smells good. (People ask what I'm wearing saying they like it.) anyway this my tie. And she's wearinng a light blue dress. Think North Carolina Tar Heels blue.

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This is the tie

Nice foot. Looks like you have a varus rotation of the 4th and 5th digits.

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Nice foot. Looks like you have a varus rotation of the 4th and 5th digits.

I too think it's a nice foot. I think you'll have a fine night OP. Don't overthink things and just have fun. If you and she can have a good time together, even if something goes wrong, that will speak more than anything else about the night I think. I can only speak for myself, but I'm a nerdy girl and dances always made me uncomfortable. It made my night when my friends, guys or girls, would just have fun dancing with me and not turn the dance into something dramatic romantically or otherwise.

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Lel as long as she hasn't had dancing classes you'll be fine. People who can't dance, dance well with other people who can't. Or at least, as a pretty good dancer myself, in my experience newbies have a lot more fun dancing with other newbies than with learned dancers.

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just remember be nice, give her compliments but dont over do it and be courteous, do things like open the car door, offer her punch and she will really appreciate it!


This is something a very good friend taught me, and it's very true. I know he's active in the Fire Emblem community too, so maybe you've heard similar advice?

Here goes.

Treat her like a human being. She's not a baby. She can open a door herself, get her own punch, etc. These things could be seen as patronizing. She doesn't need to be put on a pedestal. You two walk together as equals. She's not some frail flower that needs you to open the door for her. I agree with not overdoing compliments. Treat her like you would treat any of your friends. Just be on your best behavior and you'll be fine.

To treat her like you treat any of your friends, all you need to do is to be yourself. To be yourself means to NOT be afraid to fail. When my friend said this to me, it was like I was struck by an epiphany. It really opened my mind on how to behave around girls that I liked. You see, at the end of the day, all the the advice here is moot. We are not her. We don't know how she thinks. We don't know what she likes. We don't know what she hates. So being yourself means speaking your mind. Agreeing with her just because you think it'll get on her good side is a good example of not being yourself. You are not her yesman. Disagreeing doesn't mean you have to be a jerk. You can disagree politely. Disagreeing with her can lead to a good healthy conversation. This is a personal first hand experience I had. Basically, I was talking to this girl about movies, and we somehow ended up talking about The Lion King and how she loves the movie. I disagreed with her and told her I thought it was terrible. It sort of went like this.

"I love the Lion King. What about you?"

"Me, I'm not a big fan of it."

"Why not?"

Then we got into a big discussion on it. There wasn't any hate from her just cause I didn't like the movie. If I had said something like: "Fuck the Lion King. That movie is pure shit," then yes, that would have been bad. I spoke my mind and told her how I feel. I wasn't afraid to fail. Speak your mind, and do what you feel is right. If she likes you, she'll like you for who you are, not some mindless person who agrees with everything she says. Not being afraid is how you be yourself. If you fail, so what? There are tons of other girls out there. You have to understand this point too. Trust me, I'm no casanova, but even though I'm not always successful, I know the world is full of women, and plenty of chances left for me.

For the love of god, don't just be nice. Anyone can be "nice". Not everyone can be interesting, fun, exciting, or unpredictable. Do talk about your passions, and hobbies. Listen to her when she speaks. Look her in the eye when you're speaking, and stand up straight. Unless you're sitting of course.

Edited by Illiterate Scholar
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If you're still unsure on what to do for her, and what she likes, don't forget you have a great ally already: her mother.

You said it yourself that her mother thinks of you as son, and considering you know her since you were a kid, you should have no problem in asking her mother for advice.

If anyone knows whats gonna make her happy, and what she doesn't like is the girl's mother.

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If you're still unsure on what to do for her, and what she likes, don't forget you have a great ally already: her mother.

You said it yourself that her mother thinks of you as son, and considering you know her since you were a kid, you should have no problem in asking her mother for advice.

If anyone knows whats gonna make her happy, and what she doesn't like is the girl's mother.

You have to be careful there. Until you are long term boyfriend-girlfriend or married, going to her parents for romantic pointers could very easily come off as... creepy? old fashioned?

I don't know, it's hard to explain, but if someone was asking my mom about advice on wooing me, I would not like it. Maybe not all girls are like that, but tread carefully. The mother dynamic can be complex and avoid putting yourself in between a mother and daughter.

It's good that you are on good terms with her parents, but you should only really be interacting with them when she's around.

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You have to be careful there. Until you are long term boyfriend-girlfriend or married, going to her parents for romantic pointers could very easily come off as... creepy? old fashioned?

I don't know, it's hard to explain, but if someone was asking my mom about advice on wooing me, I would not like it. Maybe not all girls are like that, but tread carefully. The mother dynamic can be complex and avoid putting yourself in between a mother and daughter.

It's good that you are on good terms with her parents, but you should only really be interacting with them when she's around.

To be fair, we don't know how her relationship with her mother is, but the impression I got was that the families were very close.

If he didn't know her parents well, I would advise against talking to her mother, but again, the impression I got was the he knows her mother long enough and well enough that asking her for pointers wouldn't come off as creppy.

That being said, I do apologize if I assuming to much, I may have gotten things completely wrong.

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