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Pet peeves of yours.

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when people dont replace paper towels/napkins/toilet paper......

also when people mix up youre/your, their/theyre/there, etc.

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people interrupting me used to be a pet peeve, but now i kinda just get fully enraged if it happens more than twice

what else...

- i hate being asked the same question twice in short order

- i dislike when people misuse "you're" and "your"

- i abhor the damn daniel meme

- i detest people being super indirect with me

- i execrate the concept of "SAT words"

- i despise people disrupting my classes; if you aren't going to pay attention, you should just leave smh

- i deplore the act of people using the same verb repeatedly in sentences to express the same idea

like no learn to use anaphora correctly before you do that smh

Edited by Knight of Argentum
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People who don't cover their mouths when sneezing, coughing, etc.

People who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom.

People who grab my phone when I show them pictures or something.

People who touch me without asking.

People who misuse the term "allergy".

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it's/its, your/you're, they're/there/their are big ones and it makes me feel really stuck-up but it just makes me so =(

other than that i still have lots and lots

-- when people misplace commas

-- when people ask me if im rich (there's no way for me to answer this question without making the conversation awkward)

-- when people CONSTANTLY make fun of my height (every now and then is fine and even i do it myself but when it happens literally every conversation it just feels patronizing)

-- when people blame obvious grammatical mistakes on autocorrect; mistakes happen, it's fine to admit it, but please don't blame your mistakes on something else

-- when people interrupt me

-- when people say something dumb, argue for a good while, then when it's obvious that they've lost say "i was joking don't take it seriously"

-- when people add their negative opinions unnecessarily, especially when they weren't part of the conversation in the first place; let people enjoy what they enjoy jfc

PARTICULARLY WHEN IT'S DONE LIKE "this is bad who the fuck would like this lol" INSTEAD OF "i don't like this"

-- when people talk shit about you when you're literally right there.

-- when people claim that they're amazing at a thing when they are obviously not (not just something subjective either, im talking shit like grammar)

-- condescending people are the literal scum of the earth

-- this is kinda specific but i hate when people come into skype conversations or whatever and immediately start talking about themselves without regarding whatever conversation is going on at the moment. i guess it's fine if it's not excessive but i knew a guy who did this constantly and it was really annoying

im a hateful person honestly

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-- when people CONSTANTLY make fun of my height (every now and then is fine and even i do it myself but when it happens literally every conversation it just feels patronizing)

Are you on the short or tall end of things?

I'm 5'11", so I can somewhat sympathize.

EDIT: From your profile, I'm guessing short.

Edited by Rezzy
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Are you on the short or tall end of things?

I'm 5'11", so I can somewhat sympathize.

short end, at 4'11 =(

Edited by bling
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short end, at 4'11 =(

I see, but according to your profile, you're 6 years old, so that would be gigantic. XD

I get jabs for my height occasionally, but I try to own it and not let it really bother me. I've also got huge feet, which bothers me a bit more, actually. Think Peggy Hill.

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-people complaining about their pet peeves

this but unironically

it takes a lot to bother me but talking about me behind my back is where someone crosses the line

edit: actually I really don't like it when someone cares way too much about grammar. especially in vocal conversation because it would require meticulously checking everything you say. this is coming from someone who interjects yeah and like into every sentences though

Edited by Ms. Bunch
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