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Transfer advice

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Forgot all about this thread, sorry. Well restarted it because i read sirmola post about sothe and did as she said, it was easy also like what she said.

Also got all the good stats maxed for the same characters plus Max hp for Boyd and ike(wasnt easy lol)..Then I did the raidiaant hard mode playthrough. It wasnt as hard as I thought it would be, but still a few problems. The lack of exp was one of them I already knew but ignored early on. i was foreced to abondan the very underleveled dawn brigade and focus on the units i got transfered for. I learned from that mistake though. The only other problem was the anoying hit rate and biorythim, which messed up alot of my stratgies, forcing me at times to play very safe(slow); Alot of times I would miss 92-96 chance of hitting but get hit more often with a 34-50 chance against me :huh::blink: Really didnt like that. the main reason i wont ever play it on hard again.

The count spases I got use to very quickly though..actually forget about that differece by 1-E

Oscar also tends to get outshined by Titania and they have the same availability.

Not this play through they were on the same level just oscar edging a little in speed and she edging a little in strengh and def; She could take hits and do good damage but couldnt double and got hit more often. Oscar was basically the opposite. they shared support

Thnx for your help though

Nephenee and Jill need transfer boosts the most, because they've lots of starting problems in their party in FE10.

Thanks for your help transfers helped a lot with 2. Jill struggled the most though.

Kieran transfers are completely pointless.

Soren transfers are okay but he's stuck with shitty caps for a while unless you waste a crown on him.

Zihark and Gatrie don't need them.

You need to save 1900 bexp for Sothe. He gets more out of it than anyone else.

Thanks for telling me about sothe, his def(max) transfer helped alot, so did Zihark.

Remember to get the Ike and soren support. Note that POR still has a support cap.

Thanks I did when I saw your post.

Didnt save pelleus though, forgot to trade cahills meteor. And couldnt get past the black night :(

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