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PowerVZ slashes in !


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Hi guys, it's been a long time i've been looking for a real Fire Emblem community, and I guess I found one right here on serenesforest.

While i'm frequently visiting this website, and read the forums, I never felt the need to create the account.

But since the annoucement of fates, I've felt the need to talk about it with you guys, since it's sooo excting, well I'm here now ! :D

Online name: PowerVZ
Real name: Just call me by my nickname, 'kay ? :)
Favourite FE Game: Radiant Dawn ! Cuz tier 3 classes op.
Favourite Game (other than FE): Smash Bros games, Pokemon, League of Legends, Counter Strike : Global Offensive and others..
Favourite FE Character: Lon'qu cuz swordmaster is my favorite class, and Lon'qu is the most badass of all swordmasters.
Least Favourite game: Call of Duty, meh.
Sports: Basket-ball
Favourite music: Pop music is fine, I do not like rap that much tho
Country: France
Hobbies: Playing video games, studying law
Good Point: I'm a nice guy, believe me ! ;)
Bad Point: Sori, i talk a bad england sometime

Anything else? I'm a Fire emblem fan since the release of Blazing Sword, and I finished all Fire Emblem games atm except Thracia 776 and Genealogy of the Holy War.

That's all for the introduction, hope to share good moments with you all ! :D


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Bienvenue dans la Forêt de Serenes, PowerVZ!

Je te souhaite de passer une bonne journée et de profiter de ton séjour!

Et c'est pas grave pour l'anglais. Des erreurs on en fait tous, l'important c'est que ça reste compréhensible.

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