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Hello to all of you cool people out there!

I'm Allie, currently eighteen years of age, and I'm from Germany (which will be my excuse whenever I mess up anything in English, just so you know).

I've been using Serenes Forest for FE-resources since... well, for as long as I've been into the series, really; and, seeing as Fates is finally getting released in the EU in three days' time, I guess the hype made me sign up after lurking for years? In any case, here I am.

I've played all Fire Emblem games released to the west save for PoR (and I'm still debating on whether to buy it or not but it's. so. expensive. ugh) and it's one of my favourite franchises out there.

My first game was Radiant Dawn; because it's fun to start out with one of the notoriously hardest games, that's why. But I fell in love with Fire Emblem nevertheless and played whatever I could get my hands on from there on out. Which doesn't mean that my nostalgia-addled brain will favour any other title in the franchise over RD. Because it doesn't, despite its difficulty and subpar supports.

What else is there to say? I (shamefully) indulge in fanfiction-writing every once in a while? I'm not particularly good at writing, though. The same goes for drawing.

I don't even know anymore. Please take care of me, though.

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Welcome to the Forest, VacuumTan!

What else is there to say? I (shamefully) indulge in fanfiction-writing every once in a while? I'm not particularly good at writing, though. The same goes for drawing.

Feel free to share your art with the community here : http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showforum=25

I'm sure you're not bad at it.

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

Oh and don't worry, your english is fine.

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Hey there, Vacuumtan!

I honestly do not recommend purchasing PoR or RD at these ridiculous prices, I'm sure Nintendo will release them digitally at some point.

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