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So I have known of this site for awhile. Either by links directing me here or topics about such. Any who, why not create an account, right? I might not post often or interact as much as I would like due to be being occupied or just plain forgetfulness. But hopefully I can offer some healthy discussion.

Why not tell me a thing about yourself or what got you into Fire Emblem!


For any Fates owners, my castle code is: 04669-05123-32092-42136

Also i'm focusing on a series of uploads for Fates & possibly other entries as well (kinda baron right now). Whether you wanna check it out is up to you. Suggestions for future ideas are welcomed.


The only FE Games I have yet to play are the Super Famicon & Famicon games. But I hear they are quite swell.

Thx, for your time!

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Welcome to the Forest, Rudeandmiscontrued!

What gets me into Fire Emblem? Easy.

Luck or Destiny or Fate (choose one I guess).

But it is your time to answer that question now.

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

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Welcome to the Forest, Rudeandmiscontrued!

What gets me into Fire Emblem? Easy.

Luck or Destiny or Fate (choose one I guess).

But it is your time to answer that question now.

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

Awakening wasn't my first. But it is easily the one that got me into the Emblem. Blazing Sword has that distinct honor.

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Heya, Rudeandmisconstrued.

I was under the impression you come off as rude. This is false. I'm going to report you for false advertising.

I didn't look too far into your video because I assume it assumes that I've completed all routes, but I liked what I did see and I'm looking forward to more.

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Heya, Rudeandmisconstrued.

I was under the impression you come off as rude. This is false. I'm going to report you for false advertising.

I didn't look too far into your video because I assume it assumes that I've completed all routes, but I liked what I did see and I'm looking forward to more.

Honesty the name "ruggedrudeness" just sounded too cool to me at the time. And I feel as if this sentiment you have is gonna be happening alot. Cause I'm a nice guy (at least I try to).

The vid doesn't have much in the way of spoilers, unless you consider seeing something small like a character portrait as spoilers. Either way. Thanks for at least giving it a try

How far are you in Fates, BTW?

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I've beaten both the Conquest and Birthright Routes (in that order), but I'm only to chapter 21 in Revelation, and I'll be there for a while since I'm determined to see all the children A support conversations before I move on.

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I've beaten both the Conquest and Birthright Routes (in that order), but I'm only to chapter 21 in Revelation, and I'll be there for a while since I'm determined to see all the children A support conversations before I move on.

Soleil & Ophelia is a good one if you haven't already.

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